This sheet
identifies errors found in Documents, Volume 13: August–September
1843. Minor errors, such as in the format of source
citations, are not reported. The errors reported here occur in all
printings of the volume and have been corrected in the transcripts,
annotation, and reference material presented on this site. This sheet
will be updated as additional errors are found. Please report additional
errors by emailing
Page 7,
lines 7–8. Change “Messrs Clyde Williams & co | pa” to “Messrs Clyde
Williams & co | Harrisburg| Pa”.
Page 13,
line 3. Change “George Colmere” to “George Col[e]mere”.
Page 13,
line 6. Change “Jacob Baurn” to “Jacob Baum”.
Page 14,
line 8. Change “Half chord of Stone” to “half chord of Stone”.
Page 14,
line 12. Change “WP Lyons [Windsor P. Lyon]” to “W[indsor] P Lyon”.
Page 15,
line 7. Change “A. M. Palmer” to “A. W. [Andrew Warren] Palmer”.
Page 16,
line 9. Change “N[ewel] W Knight” to “W[esley] Knight”.
Page 17,
line 11. Change “John Baum” to “John Baum”.
Page 17,
line 14. Change “O. M. Duel” to “O. M. Duel [Osmyn M. Deuel”.
Page 18,
line 7. Change “I W Barlow” to “J[onathan] W Barlow”.
Page 18,
line 20. Change “James Smithers” to “James Smithies [Smithis].
Page 18,
line 23. Change “R. W. Allred” to “R[euben] W. Allred”.
Page 19,
note 132. Change “John Fullmer” to “John S. Fullmer”.
Page 19,
line 7. Change “N. H[ouse]” to “N. H. [Nauvoo House]”.
Page 20,
lines 5–6. Between “Henry Sanders” and “Linsey A. Brady”, add a
notation: “[2
lines blank]”.
Page 20,
lines 14–15. Between “James Proctor” and “Samul Barnet”, add a notation:
“[3 lines blank]”.
Page 20,
line 15. Change “Samul Barnet” to “Samu[e]l Barnet”.
Page 20,
lines 18–19. Between “Edw. Hunter” and “Mach 12-184. Wm Park”, add a
notation: “[1 line blank]”.
Page 20,
lines 20–21. Between “Says” and “Joseph A. Kilting”, add a notation:
“[1 line blank]”.
Page 20,
line 21. Change “Joseph A. Kilting” to “Joseph A. Kilting
Page 20,
line 22. Change “F Merryweathe” to “F Merryweathe [Frederick
Page 22,
lines 5–6. Changed “for want of Substance in the Warrant, upon which he
was arrested as well as upon the merits of said case” to “for want of
substance in the warrant upon which he was arrested as well as upon the
merits of said case”.
Page 24,
lines 23–24. Change “Featured version in JS, Journal, bk. 3, Dec.
1842–June 1844” to “Featured version copied [6 Aug. 1843] in JS,
Journal, Dec. 1842–June 1844, bk. 3”.
Page 28,
note 196, line 1. Change “Extradition of JS for Treason (Nauvoo Mun. Ct.
1843), JS Collection, CHL” to “Historical Introduction to Extradition of JS for Treason at”.
Page 33,
lines 17–18. Change “Featured version in JS, Journal, bk. 3, Dec.
1842–June 1844” to “Featured version copied [ca. 13 Aug. 1843] in JS,
Journal, Dec. 1842–June 1844, bk. 3”.
Page 35,
line 16. Change “tis the not the cross” to “tis the not the cross”.
Page 39,
line 21. Change “[p. [29]]” to “[p. [24]]”.
Page 42,
lines 5–6. Change “Featured version in JS, Journal, bk. 3, Dec.
1842–June 1844, pp. [51]–[55], 13 Aug. 1843” to “Featured version copied
[ca. 13 Aug. 1843] in JS, Journal, Dec. 1842–June 1844, bk. 3, pp.
Page 49,
line 19. Change “because they believed that ‘that our Great father” to
“because they believed that ‘our Great father”.
Page 71,
note 382, line 2. Change “Notes for Passage of Maid of
Iowa, 27 Sept. 1843” to “Notes for Passage of Maid of Iowa, 24 Sept. 1843”.
Page 73,
line 4. Change “Featured version in” to “Featured version copied [ca. 27
Aug. 1843] in”.
Page 74,
note 398, lines 3–4. Change “in a 3 July 1843 discourse” to “in a 23
July 1843 discourse”.
Page 90,
note 478, line 16. Remove opening quotation mark before “Historical
Page 91,
note 483. Remove footnote.
Page 101,
lines 14–15. Change “Military Exemption from Robert D. Foster for John
Murdock, 7 September 1843” to “Military Exemption from Robert D. Foster
for John D. Murdock, 7 September 1843”.
Page 101,
line 17. Change “Military Exemption for John Murdock” to “Military
Exemption for John D. Murdock”.
Page 101,
line 24. Change “passed down within John Murdock’s family” to “passed
down within John D. Murdock’s family”.
Page 101,
line 28. Change “Nauvoo, Illinois, citizen John Murdock” to “Nauvoo,
Illinois, citizen John D. Murdock”. Also add a footnote after “Murdock”:
John Dean (or sometimes Deans) Murdock was the son of Joseph and Sally
Stacy Murdock. (Murdock, Murdock Genealogy, 59; Carter,
Our Pioneer Heritage, 16:423.)
Page 102,
lines 7–8. Before “According to the featured document”, add a sentence:
John D. Murdock was nineteen years old in 1843; also add a footnote with
the following citation: Murdock, Murdock Genealogy,
Page 102,
line 20. Changed “This certifies that John Murdock” to “This certifies
that John [D.] Murdock”.
Page 102,
note 42. Remove footnote.
Page 103,
lines 9–14. Beginning with “Although the document does not specify”,
remove the final three sentences of this paragraph, along with footnotes
40 and 41.
Page 103,
note 44. Change “Handwriting of Robert D. Foster ends” to “Robert D.
Foster handwriting ends”.
Page 109,
line 3. Change “[Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 17 Sept. 1843]; in Levi
Richards, Journal” to “[Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 17 Sept. 1843].
Featured version inscribed [ca. 17 Sept. 1843] in Levi Richards,
Page 119
lines 21–23. Change “The letter was inscribed on the recto and verso of
the second leaf, with the addressing on the recto of the first leaf. The
document was trifolded twice in letter style, addressed, sealed with a
red adhesive wafer, and postmarked.” to “After the letter was written,
the author reversed the bifolium fold so the second leaf covered the
first page of inscription—a practice atypical of most letters. The
document was then trifolded twice in letter style, addressed, sealed
with a red adhesive wafer, and postmarked. Thus, when the letter was
opened to be read, the leaf containing the address block opposed page 2
of the letter.”
Page 119,
lines 24–25. Move the following sentence and footnote from the second
paragraph of the source note to the beginning of the third paragraph:
“The document was docketed by William Clayton, who served as scribe to
JS from 1842 to 1844.” FN: “JS, Journal, 29 June 1842, in
JSP, J2:71–73; “Clayton, William,” in Jenson,
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia,
Page 123,
note 142. Change “See, for example, Jacob 1:10; Words of Mormon 1:13;
and Mosiah 1:16” to “See, for example, Book of Mormon, 1840 ed., 122,
149, and 152 [Jacob 1:10; Words of Mormon 1:13; and Mosiah 1:16]”.
Page 126,
note 157, line 4. Change “over the the Buffetings” to “over to the
Page 146,
line 6. Change “Hancock County Courthouse, Carthage, IL” to “Hancock
County Courthouse, Carthage, IL; microfilm at FHL”.
Page 148,
note 100, line 5. Change “United States v. JS et al.” to “United States
v. Joseph Smith III et al.”
Page 149,
note 102, line 6. Change “United States v. JS et al.” to “United States
v. Joseph Smith III et al.”
Page 160,
line 9. Change “Minutes and Discourses” to “Special conference of the
church, Minutes, and JS, Discourses”.
Page 167,
lines 22–22. Change “Featured version in JS, Journal, bk. 3, Dec.
1842–June 1844, pp. [121]–[122]” to “Featured version copied [ca. 9 Oct.
1843] in JS, Journal, Dec. 1842–June 1844, bk. 3, pp. [121]–[122]”.
Page 169,
lines 19–20. Change “presumably handwriting of Fayette Mace” to
“handwriting presumably of Fayette Mace”.
Page 180,
line 10. Change “uncontrolled system of collecting tithing donations” to
“uncontrolled system of collecting temple donations”.
Page 183,
note 269. Remove footnote.
Page 185,
line 22. Change “JS, Journal, bk. 3, 1842–1844” to “JS, Journal,
1842–1844, bk. 3”.
Page 191,
lines 18–21. Change “The Nauvoo, Illinois, records collection was
arranged and cataloged by the Family and Church History Department (now
CHL) in 2006. The document’s likely inclusion with the city records
listed in early church inventories and its inclusion in the Nauvoo,
Illinois, records collection in 2006 indicate continuous church custody
since 1845.” to “By 1973 the document had been included in the JS
Collection at the Church Historical Department (now CHL). The document’s
likely inclusion with the city records listed in early church
inventories and its later inclusion in the JS Collection indicate
continuous institutional custody since 1845.”
Page 191,
note 310. Place footnote indicator after “JS Collection at the Church
Historical Department (now CHL)” and change footnote text to read “See
the full bibliographic entry for JS Collection, 1827–1844, in the CHL
Page 194,
note 323. Remove footnote. Comment: The pay order
cited is in the handwriting of John D. Parker, not Emma Smith.
Page 204,
line 9. Change “the amount of the Late arrest” to “the account of the
Late arrest”.
Page 204,
line 11. Change “Caswel prophet of the niinteenth century” to “Caswel
[Henry Caswall] prophet of the ninteenth century”.
Page 229,
note 489, line 3. Change “Huntington, Cemetery Records, [176]” to
“Huntington, Cemetery Records, [26]”.
Page 235,
note 518. Change “map 7, p. 485 herein” to “map 7, p. 484 herein”.
Page 239,
note 541. Change “Handwriting presumably of Jacob C. Phelps ends” to
“Handwriting presumably of Jacob C. Phelps or Ananias MacAllester
Page 250. The photograph is of the featured text, Letter
to John C. Calhoun, 4 November 1843, while the illustation title and
caption describe an earlier draft of this letter. The photograph of this
letter can be viewed on the Joseph Smith Papers website: Letter to
Presidential Candidates, 4 November 1843, Draft.
Page 252,
line 11. Change “NAUVOO Nov 5 ILLS.” to “NAUVOO ILLS. Nov 5”.
Page 264,
line 7. Add “<✦✦✦>” before “Was Were”.
Page 278,
line 8. Change “its presumed inclusion in the city records” to “its
presumed listing in an 1846 inventory”.
Page 307,
line 9. Remove quotation marks before “Fort Hill”.
Page 307,
line 11. Remove quotation marks before “You ask me”.
Page 312,
line 4. Remove space after the em-dash here and on lines 9 and 15.
Page 313,
note 86, line 2. Change “made in the 28 November–16 December 1843
memorial to Congress” to “made in the 28 November 1843 memorial to
Page 313,
note 86, lines 3–4. Change “Memorial to the United States Senate and
House of Representatives, 28 Nov.–16 Dec. 1843” to “JS et al., Memorial
to U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 28 Nov. 1843, Record Group
46, Records of the U.S. Senate, National Archives, Washington DC”.
Page 321,
line 25. Change “they may escape” to “they make escape”. Comment: The printed text reads “they make
escape”; at a later time, an unidentified scribe crossed out the “k” and
“e” of “make” and added a “y” in ink, changing “make” to “may”.
Page 322,
note 136. Change “See Acts 10:42; Moroni 10:34; 2 Timothy 4:1, and 1
Peter 4:5” to See Acts 10:42, 2 Timothy 4:1; and 1 Peter 4:5; see also
Book of Mormon, 1840 ed., 571 [Moroni 10:34]”.
Page 334,
line 4. Changed “[page [2] blank]” to the
following docket: “<Decr.
8. 1843 | Notification to the Marshall of the City of Nauvoo to have
Ordinances obeyed.>” Also add a text
footnote reading “Docket in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock.” and a
page break indicator: “[p. [2]]”.
Page 334,
note 198. Change “Insertion by Willard Richards” to “Insertion in the
handwriting of Willard Richards”.
Page 335,
notes 213 and 214. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Insertion in
the handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 336,
line 12. Change “one page; handwriting of William W. Phelps” to
“handwriting of William W. Phelps; one page”.
Page 338,
line 10. Change “[Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL]” to “[Nauvoo, Hancock Co.,
IL], 8 Dec. 1843”.
Page 341,
line 4. Change “O[rson] Spenc[e]r” to “O. Spencr [Orson Spencer]”.
Page 341,
line 13. Change “Ordinance, 8 Dec. 1843” to “Ordinance, [Nauvoo, Hancock
Co., IL], 8 Dec. 1843”.
Page 347,
line 17. Change “[page [2] blank]” to the
following docket: “<Decr.
9. 1843 | Wilson Law to Lieutn. Gen
Joseph Smith.>” Also add a text
footnote reading “Docket in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock.” and a
page break indicator: “[p. [2]]”.
Page 360,
line 6. Change “[page [2] blank]” to the
following docket: “<Decr.
11. 1843 | Letter to the Governor of Illinois with Affidavit of
Sisson A Chase>” Also add a text
footnote reading “Docket in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock.” and a
page break indicator: “[p. [2]]”.
Page 362,
line 14. After “[p. [1]]”, add “[page [2]
Page 394,
line 4. Change “Nauvoo, IL, Justice of the Peace Court” to “Hancock
Co., IL, Justice of the Peace Court”.
Page 404,
note 525. Change “See Historical Introduction to People v. JS” to “See Historical Introduction to State of New York v. JS–A; Historical
Introduction to State of New York v. JS–B and State of New York v. JS–C”.
Page 423,
note 614. Change “JS, Journal, 6, 8, and 9 Jan. 1843” to “JS, Journal,
6, 8, and 9 Jan. 1844”.
Page 426,
note 631. Change “James H. Seymour handwriting begins” to “James H.
Seymour begins”.
Page 428,
line 4. Change “ten pages” to “nine pages”.
Page 428,
lines 32–33. Change “In his journal, JS recorded that he” to “In JS’s
journal, Willard Richards recorded that JS”.
Page 430,
note 662. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Cancellation and
insertion in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 431,
note 663. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Cancellation and
insertion in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 431,
note 665. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Insertion in the
handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 431,
note 666. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Insertion in the
handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 432,
note 673. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Insertion in the
handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 432,
note 674. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Insertion in the
handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 433,
note 678. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Insertion in the
handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 433,
note 681. Change “Insertion by Thomas Bullock” to “Cancellation and
insertion in the handwriting of Thomas Bullock”.
Page 436,
line 14. Change “T. Bullock” to “T[homas] Bullock”.
Page 436,
lines 18–19. Change “handwriting of Orson Hyde” to “handwriting and
signature of Orson Hyde”.
Page 538,
line 37. Change “lease, and authorization featured herein” to “lease,
and authorizations featured herein”.
Page 540,
lines 5–6. Change “that unit of Illinois militia” to “that unit of the
Illinois militia”.
Page 540,
line 9. Change “William Huntington’s cemetery records” to “William D.
Huntington’s cemetery records”.
Pages 449–585. A number of updates and changes have been
made to the reference material. The updates correct factual errors, add
additional information, and remove biographical information that, while
possibly accurate, could not be documented in primary sources or the
most reliable secondary sources. Because the reference material supports
all published volumes and all documents published on the website, the
Smith Papers staff will not keep a record of the specific changes made
to each entry published in Documents, Volume 13. Readers
should refer to the Reference section of the Joseph Smith Papers website
to find the corrected and updated information.