

Timeline of Joseph Smith’s Life

Timeline of Joseph Smith’s Life

This timeline provides a brief graphical overview of some of the major milestones in Joseph Smith's life. For more detailed chronological information, visit Events.

Joseph Smith Pedigree Chart

Joseph Smith Pedigree Chart

This pedigree chart provides genealogical information for Joseph Smith and his grandparents; parents, aunts, and uncles; siblings; and children.


History Creation Dates, Narrative Spans, Scribes, and Precursor Documents

History Creation Dates, Narrative Spans, Scribes, and Precursor Documents

This chart lists each history in volumes 1 and 2 of the Histories series, along with information about creation dates, years covered, scribes, and principal source documents.

Relationships among Histories and Precursors

Relationships among Histories and Precursors

This chart illustrates the relationships among the histories that appear in volumes 1 and 2 of the Histories series and the principal documents that served as sources for the histories.

Filial Relationships among Manuscript and Published Versions of Joseph Smith’s 1838–1856 History

Filial Relationships among Manuscript and Published Versions of Joseph Smith’s 1838–1856 History

This chart illustrates the relationships among the various versions of the history begun by Joseph Smith in 1838.

Corresponding Dates in Versions of the Manuscript History

Corresponding Dates in Versions of the Manuscript History

This table helps users navigate to specific dates in the various manuscript and published versions of the extensive history Joseph Smith began in the late 1830s.

Revelations and Translations

Corresponding Section Numbers in Editions of the Doctrine and Covenants

Corresponding Section Numbers in Editions of the Doctrine and Covenants

This table is provided to help readers refer from one version of a Joseph Smith revelation to other versions of that same revelation.

Filial Relationships among Joseph Smith–Era Compilations of Revelations

Filial Relationships among Joseph Smith–Era Compilations of Revelations

This chart includes the seven major Joseph Smith–era compilations of revelations, plotted on a timeline to illustrate the creation dates for each compilation.

The Use of Revelation Books 1 and 2 in Preparing the Revelations for Publication

The Use of Revelation Books 1 and 2 in Preparing the Revelations for Publication

These three tables present information about the relationship between Revelation Books 1 and 2 and The Evening and the Morning Star, the Book of Commandments, and the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants.

Substitute Words in the 1835 and 1844 Editions of the Doctrine and Covenants

Substitute Words in the 1835 and 1844 Editions of the Doctrine and Covenants

This chart identifies all of the substitute words used in the 1835 and 1844 editions of the Doctrine and Covenants and the original antecedents to those substitute words.

Comparison of Poem to William W. Phelps and Doctrine and Covenants 91, 1835 ed. [D&C 76]

Comparison of Poem to William W. Phelps and Doctrine and Covenants 91, 1835 ed. [D&C 76]

This chart gives a line-by-line comparison of the vision recorded by JS and Sidney Rigdon on 16 February 1832 and a poem published in the Times and Seasons in February 1843.

Corresponding Chapters in Editions of the Book of Mormon

Corresponding Chapters in Editions of the Book of Mormon

This table provides corresponding chapter and page information to assist readers in referencing different editions of the Book of Mormon.

Table of Pages in the Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon

Table of Pages in the Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon

This table presents information about the printer’s manuscript and its relationship to the first two editions of the Book of Mormon.

Comparison of Hieroglyph Characters

Comparison of Hieroglyph Characters

This chart allows readers to compare the instances of a hieroglyph characters and associated information across all the manuscripts related to the Book of Abraham.

Transcript Updates Since 2001 for Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon

Transcript Updates Since 2001 for Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon

This table presents a list of significant changes between Royal Skousen's 2001 typescript of the Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon and the transcript presented in Revelations and Translations, Volume 5.

General Church Organizations and Officers

Roles and Ecclesiastical Offices, June 1829–June 1831

Roles and Ecclesiastical Offices, June 1829–June 1831

This document briefly traces the development of the significant roles and the ecclesiastical offices that JS introduced by June 1831.

Church Officers, 1830–1839

Church Officers, 1830–1839

These charts and the accompanying narrative provide an overview of the ecclesiastical structure of the church in the 1830s and supply the names of church officers in that period.

Church Organizations, 1831–1833

Church Organizations, 1831–1833

These charts map the development of the church’s ecclesiastical structures and its business or civic structures from 1831 to 1833.

Church Organizations, April 1834–September 1835

Church Organizations, April 1834–September 1835

These charts map the development of the church’s ecclesiastical structures from April 1834 through September 1835.

General Church Officers, October 1835–January 1838

General Church Officers, October 1835–January 1838

These charts list the general leadership of the Church of the Latter Day Saints between October 1835 and January 1838.

General Church Officers, February 1838–August 1839

General Church Officers, February 1838–August 1839

These charts list the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between February 1838 and August 1839.

Traveling Church Officers, February 1838–August 1839

Traveling Church Officers, February 1838–August 1839

These charts list the Quorum of the Twelve and Seventies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between February 1838 and August 1839.

Church Officers, 1839–1843

Church Officers, 1839–1843

These charts show the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as local ecclesiastical officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, between 1839 and April 1843.

Church Officers, 1839–1844

Church Officers, 1839–1844

These charts show the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as well as local ecclesiastical officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, between 1839 and June 1844.

General Church Officers, September 1839–January 1841

General Church Officers, September 1839–January 1841

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between September 1839 and January 1841.

General Church Officers, February–November 1841

General Church Officers, February–November 1841

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between February and November 1841.

General Church Officers, December 1841–April 1842

General Church Officers, December 1841–April 1842

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between December 1841 and April 1842.

General Church Officers, May–August 1842

General Church Officers, May–August 1842

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between May and August 1842.

General Church Officers, September 1842–February 1843

General Church Officers, September 1842–February 1843

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between September 1842 and February 1843.

General Church Officers, March–July 1843

General Church Officers, March–July 1843

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between March and July 1843.

General Church Officers, August–December 1843

General Church Officers, August–December 1843

The following charts identify the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints between August and December 1843.

Local Church Organizations and Officers

Church Officers in the Kirtland Stake, October 1835–January 1838

Church Officers in the Kirtland Stake, October 1835–January 1838

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of the Latter Day Saints in the Kirtland, Ohio, stake between October 1835 and January 1838.

Church Officers in Zion (Missouri), October 1835–January 1838

Church Officers in Zion (Missouri), October 1835–January 1838

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of the Latter Day Saints in northwestern Missouri, or Zion, between October 1835 and January 1838.

Local Church Officers, February 1838–August 1839

Local Church Officers, February 1838–August 1839

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kirtland, Ohio; northwestern Missouri; and Commerce, Illinois, between February 1838 and August 1839.

Church Officers in Commerce (later Nauvoo), Illinois, September 1839–January 1841

Church Officers in Commerce (later Nauvoo), Illinois, September 1839–January 1841

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Commerce, Illinois, September 1839–January 1841.

Church Officers in Iowa Territory, September 1839–January 1841

Church Officers in Iowa Territory, September 1839–January 1841

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Iowa Territory, September 1839–January 1841.

Church Officers in Kirtland, Ohio, September 1839–January 1841

Church Officers in Kirtland, Ohio, September 1839–January 1841

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kirtland, Ohio, September 1839–January 1841.

Church Officers in Great Britain, September 1839–January 1841

Church Officers in Great Britain, September 1839–January 1841

These charts show the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Great Britain, September 1839–January 1841.

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, February–November 1841

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, February–November 1841

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, February–November 1841.

Church Officers in Iowa Territory, February–November 1841

Church Officers in Iowa Territory, February–November 1841

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Iowa Territory, September 1839–January 1841.

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, December 1841–April 1842

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, December 1841–April 1842

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, December 1841–April 1842.

Church Officers in Iowa Territory, December 1841–April 1842

Church Officers in Iowa Territory, December 1841–April 1842

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Iowa Territory, December 1841–April 1842.

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, May–August 1842

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, May–August 1842

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, May–August 1842.

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, September 1842–February 1843

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, September 1842–February 1843

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, September 1842–February 1843.

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, March–July 1843

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, March–July 1843

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, March–July 1843.

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, August–December 1843

Church Officers in Nauvoo, Illinois, August–December 1843

These charts list local ecclesiastical leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Nauvoo, Illinois, August–December 1843.

Presidency of the Church in Europe, September 1842–February 1843

Presidency of the Church in Europe, September 1842–February 1843

This chart shows the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, September 1842–February 1843.

Presidency of the Church in Europe, March–July 1843

Presidency of the Church in Europe, March–July 1843

This chart shows the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, March–July 1843.

Presidency of the Church in Europe, August–December 1843

Presidency of the Church in Europe, August–December 1843

This chart shows the general leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Europe, August–December 1843.

Temple Building Committee, February–November 1841

Temple Building Committee, February–November 1841

This chart identifies the members of the Nauvoo, Illinois, temple building committee between February and November 1841.

Nauvoo House Association, February–November 1841

Nauvoo House Association, February–November 1841

This chart identifies the members of the Nauvoo House Association between February and November 1841.

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, December 1841–April 1842

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, December 1841–April 1842

These charts identify the officers of the temple building committee, Nauvoo House Association, and Relief Society in Nauvoo, Illinois, between December 1841 and April 1842.

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, May–August 1842

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, May–August 1842

These charts identify the officers of the temple building committee, Nauvoo House Association, and Relief Society in Nauvoo, Illinois, between May and August 1842.

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, September 1842–February 1843

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, September 1842–February 1843

These charts identify the officers of the temple building committee, the temple recorder, the Nauvoo House Association, and the Female Relief Society in Nauvoo, Illinois, between September 1842 and February 1843.

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, March–July 1843

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, March–July 1843

These charts identify the officers of the temple building committee, the temple recorder, the Nauvoo House Association, and the Female Relief Society in Nauvoo, Illinois, between March and July 1843.

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, August–December 1843

Officers of Church-Affiliated Organizations in Nauvoo, Illinois, August–December 1843

These charts identify the officers of the temple building committee, the temple recorder, the Nauvoo House Association, and the Female Relief Society in Nauvoo, Illinois, between August and December 1843.

Civic Organizations and Officers

Civic Officers in Caldwell County, February 1838–August 1839

Civic Officers in Caldwell County, February 1838–August 1839

These charts identify civic leaders in Caldwell County, Missouri, between February 1838 and August 1839.

Military Authorities, February 1838–August 1839

Military Authorities, February 1838–August 1839

These charts identify military authorities in northwestern Missouri between February 1838 and August 1839.

Nauvoo City Officers, 1841–1843

Nauvoo City Officers, 1841–1843

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between February 1841 and April 1843.

Nauvoo City Officers, 1841–1844

Nauvoo City Officers, 1841–1844

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between February 1841 and June 1844.

Nauvoo City Officers, February–November 1841

Nauvoo City Officers, February–November 1841

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between February and November 1841.

Nauvoo City Officers, December 1841–April 1842

Nauvoo City Officers, December 1841–April 1842

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between December 1841 and April 1842.

Nauvoo City Officers, May–August 1842

Nauvoo City Officers, May–August 1842

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between May and August 1842.

Nauvoo City Officers, September 1842–February 1843

Nauvoo City Officers, September 1842–February 1843

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between September 1842 and February 1843.

Nauvoo City Officers, March–July 1843

Nauvoo City Officers, March–July 1843

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between March and July 1843.

Nauvoo City Officers, August–December 1843

Nauvoo City Officers, August–December 1843

This chart identifies significant city offices in Nauvoo, Illinois, and the names of the individuals who held those offices between August and December 1843.

Nauvoo City Council Standing Committees, 1842–1845

Nauvoo City Council Standing Committees, 1842–1845

These charts identify members of the various standing committees of the Nauvoo City Council, 1842-1845.

University of the City of Nauvoo, February–November 1841

University of the City of Nauvoo, February–November 1841

This chart identifies the members of the Board of Trustees of the University of the City of Nauvoo between February and November 1841.

Nauvoo Masonic Lodge Officers, December 1841–April 1842

Nauvoo Masonic Lodge Officers, December 1841–April 1842

This chart identifies the officers of the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge between December 1841 and April 1842.

Nauvoo Masonic Lodge Officers, May–August 1842

Nauvoo Masonic Lodge Officers, May–August 1842

This chart identifies the officers of the Nauvoo Masonic Lodge between May and August 1842.

Nauvoo Legion

Nauvoo Legion Officers, 1841–1843

Nauvoo Legion Officers, 1841–1843

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between February 1841 and April 1843.

Nauvoo Legion Officers, 1841–1844

Nauvoo Legion Officers, 1841–1844

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between February 1841 and June 1844.

Nauvoo Legion Officers, February–November 1841

Nauvoo Legion Officers, February–November 1841

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between February and November 1841.

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, December 1841–April 1842

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, December 1841–April 1842

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between December 1841 and April 1842.

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, May–August 1842

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, May–August 1842

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between May and August 1842.

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, September 1842–February 1843

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, September 1842–February 1843

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between September 1842 and February 1843.

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, March–July 1843

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, March–July 1843

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between March and July 1843.

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, August–December 1843

Nauvoo Legion Senior Officers, August–December 1843

This chart identifies the staffs of the lieutenant general, major general, and brigadier generals of the Nauvoo Legion and the men who held the various offices between August and December 1843.

Council of Fifty

Members of the Council of Fifty, 1844–1846

Members of the Council of Fifty, 1844–1846

This chart identifies members of the Council of Fifty, 1844–1846, including the length of their membership.

Committees of the Council of Fifty, 1844–1846

Committees of the Council of Fifty, 1844–1846

This chart identifies members of the various committees of the Council of Fifty, 1844–1846.

Other Charts

Accounts of Discourses, 22 June and 23 or 24 June 1844

Accounts of Discourses, 22 June and 23 or 24 June 1844

This chart lists all of the versions in the Church History Library of accounts of two discourses JS reportedly delivered in late June 1844 to members of the Nauvoo Legion.

Comparison of Shorthand Notes and Trial Account

Comparison of Shorthand Notes and Trial Account

This chart gives a line-by-line comparison of two accounts of the May 1845 trial for the murder of Joseph Smith: contemporaneous shorthand notes made by George D. Watt and the later trial account prepared by Watt and Daniel Mackintosh.