Presidency | Patriarch |
Joseph Smith Jr., president | |
, assistant president | |
, assistant president | |
, assistant president | |
, assistant president | |
, assistant president | |
During the period in which officers were in awaiting the solemn assembly, the general church presidency (based in ) and the church presidency often functioned as a general presiding council, to which JS referred as “my council of the presidency” or, more commonly, as simply “the presidency” or “the presidents.” This council of nine men or an available subset functioned in as a presiding council until the presidency returned to its local jurisdiction. |
(Clay County, Missouri) Officers | |
The Latter-day Saints, having been driven from their homes in , were living primarily in in March 1836. | |
Presidency | Bishopric |
, president | , bishop |
, assistant president | , counselor |
, assistant president | , counselor |
High Council | President of Quorum of Teachers |
The high council apparently retained its original order, based on the 7 July 1834 casting of lots, with replacement members taking the number of their predecessors. Although was the president of the council in March 1836, he was still listed among the other members with his original number. | George Johnson |
No evidence has been found of additonal quorums functioning in at this time. | |
, president |
Stake Officers | |
Presidency | Presidency of Quorum of High Priests |
The presidency of the church presided over the stake and its high council. | , president |
High Council | Unidentified counselors |
, president | Presidency of Quorum of Elders |
, president | |
, counselor | |
, counselor | |
Presidency of Quorum of Priests | |
, president | |
Unidentified counselors | |
Presidency of Quorum of Teachers | |
, president | |
Unidentified counselors | |
Presidency of Quorum of Deacons | |
, president | |
Bishopric | Unidentified counselors |
, bishop | |
, counselor | |
, counselor |
Traveling Officers | |
Quorum of the Twelve | Quorum of the Seventy, Presidents |
Listed in order of seniority—that is, age at time of appointment of the original Twelve. | The presidents of the Seventy presided over the Quorum of the Seventy. The presidents were apparently ordered by seniority of age. |
, president | |
First Presidency | Patriarch |
Joseph Smith Jr., president | |
, counselor | |
, counselor | |
, assistant counselor | |
, assistant counselor | |
During a church conference held in in September 1837, JS presented , , and himself as “the three first presidnts of the Church.” He then presented , , , and as “assistant Councillors.” In a conference held in two months later, was removed and replaced by . The assistant counselors were not presented for sustaining at this conference, and they were not again presented as such. |
(Far West, Missouri) Officers | |
Presidency (Pro Tempore) | Patriarch |
, president | |
, counselor | Bishopric |
, counselor | , bishop |
High Council | , counselor |
, counselor | |
President of Quorum of High Priests | |
President of Quorum of Elders | |
Harvey Green | |
President of Quorum of Priests | |
As bishop, presided over the quorum of priests. | |
President of Quorum of Teachers | |
President of Quorum of Deacons | |
Unidentified | |
, president |
Stake Officers | |
After JS’s departure from on 12 January 1838, a few leaders stayed behind to oversee stake matters while loyal Latter-day Saints prepared to move to . | |
Presidency | President of Quorum of High Priests |
, president | Hiram Kellogg |
, counselor | Presidency of Quorum of Elders |
, counselor | , president |
Bishop | Hezekiah Fisk, counselor |
Lahasa Hollister, counselor |
Stake Officers | |
Presidency | High Council |
, president | Listed in the order given at the time of the council’s initial organization. It is unclear whether there was an established order of counselors in the high council. |
, counselor | John Lemon |
, counselor | |
Bishop (Pro Tempore) | |
Isaac Perry | |
Traveling Officers | |
Quorum of the Twelve | Quorum of the Seventy, Presidents |
Quorum members held seniority according to age. | The presidents of the Quorum of the Seventy were reorganized in April 1837 amid confusion over the relationship between high priests and seventies. Presidents of the Seventy who had been previously ordained high priests were reassigned to the high priests quorum, and new presidents of the Seventy were appointed to replace the outgoing high priests. At its initial organization, the presidents of the Quorum of Seventy held seniority according to age; when the presidency was reorganized, new presidents assumed the level of seniority of the outgoing high priests. The presidents presided over three quorums of Seventy. |
, president | |
Quorum members , , , and had been excommunicated. An 8 July 1838 revelation appointed , , , and to replace the former quorum members, but none were ordained to office before December 1838. |
First Presidency | Patriarch |
Joseph Smith Jr., president | |
, counselor | |
, counselor |
Stake Officers | |
President | Bishops |
, Middle Ward | |
High Council | , Upper Ward |
Listed in order of seniority as noted in the minutes of the high council. | , Lower Ward |
, president | President of Quorum of High Priests |
Stake Officers | |
Presidency | |
, president | |
, counselor | Richard Howard |
, counselor | |
High Council | |
Listed in the order established by drawing lots at the council’s initial organization. | |
Bishop | |
John Patten | |
Abraham Smoot |
Traveling Officers | |
Quorum of the Twelve | Presidents of the Seventy |
The original members continued in their age-based seniority; newer members followed, ordered by age amongst themselves. On 16 January 1839, the First Presidency instructed and to appoint the oldest of the original members to be president of the quorum. was sustained as president on 14 April 1840. | The presidents of the Seventy presided over three quorums of Seventy and a number of seventy not assigned to a specific quorum. It is unclear whether there was an established order of seniority among the presidents. |
, president | |
A July 1838 revelation appointed , , , and to replace excommunicated quorum members , , , and . and were ordained 19 December 1838. was ordained 26 April 1839, as was , the latter filling the vacancy left by the apostasy of . , still proselytizing in , was not ordained until 14 April 1840. By this time, had been killed in the conflicts and had apostatized, as noted above, with , who soon returned to the church. A conference held near , Illinois, on 4 May 1839 resolved that the apostolic privileges of and be “suspended” until the next church conference, at which time they would be allowed to give an account of their conduct. Both were “restored” to their offices at a conference held in October 1839. The quorum reached a full contingent of twelve men with the appointment of in 1841. |
Revelation, 8 Mar. 1833 [D&C 90:6, 19, 21].
Revised Minutes, 18–19 Feb. 1834 [D&C 102].
See, for example, Minutes, 19 Feb. 1834; and JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836.
JS History, 1834–1836, 17–20; JS, Journal, 5 Dec. 1834.
Minute Book 1, 26 Sept. 1835.
JS, Journal, 21 Jan. 1836; Partridge, Journal, 21 Jan. 1836; Murdock, Journal, 3 Mar. 1836.
Partridge, Edward. Journal, Jan. 1835–July 1836. Edward Partridge, Papers, 1818–1839. CHL. MS 892, box 1, fd. 2.
Murdock, John. Journal, ca. 1830–1859. John Murdock, Journal and Autobiography, ca. 1830–1867. CHL. MS 1194, fd. 2.
Minute Book 1, 12 Feb. 1836; compare Resolution, 12 Feb. 1836.
Letter to John Corrill and Others in Missouri, 4 Sept. 1837.
Hepzibah Richards, Kirtland, OH, to Willard Richards, Bedford, England, 18–19 Jan. 1838, Willard Richards, Papers, CHL.
Richards, Willard. Journals and Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490.
See, for example, Revelation, ca. June 1835, in Evening and Morning Star, Oct. 1832 (June 1835), 73–74 [D&C 68:15, 19, 22]; compare Revelation, 1 Nov. 1831–A, in The Evening and the Morning Star, Oct. 1832, [3] [D&C 68:15, 22]; and Revelation, 1 Nov. 1831–A, in Doctrine and Covenants 22:2–3, 1835 ed. [D&C 68:15, 19, 22].
Minutes, 3 Sept. 1837; compare Minutes, 3 Sept. 1837, in JS, Journal, 4 Sept. 1837.
“Minutes of the General Conference,” Times and Seasons, 15 Apr. 1841, 2:387.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Patriarchal Blessings, 1:9; JS, Journal, 21 Jan. 1836. Nearly a hundred patriarchal blessings on file at the CHL are recorded as being given in 1836. Joseph Smith Sr. was the only ordained patriarch in the church at this time. (Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–, CHL.)
Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–. CHL. CR 500 2.
JS History, 1834–1836, 17–20; JS, Journal, 27 and 29 Mar. 1836.
See, for example, JS, Journal, 13 and 28 Jan. 1836; 27 Mar. 1836.
Minute Book 2, 3 and 7 July 1834; JS, Journal, 29 Mar. 1836.
Minutes, ca. 3–4 June 1831; Minute Book 2, 7 Apr. 1837; Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Record, 2 May 1835; see also Partridge, Journal, 21 Jan. 1836.
Partridge, Edward. Journal, Jan. 1835–July 1836. Edward Partridge, Papers, 1818–1839. CHL. MS 892, box 1, fd. 2.
Minutes, 3 July 1834; Minutes and Discourse, ca. 7 July 1834; Minute Book 2, 6 Jan. 1836; Minutes, 7 Nov. 1837 ; Partridge, Journal, 7 Jan. 1836.
Partridge, Edward. Journal, Jan. 1835–July 1836. Edward Partridge, Papers, 1818–1839. CHL. MS 892, box 1, fd. 2.
Murdock, Journal, 3 Mar. 1836; compare Partridge, Journal, 21 Jan. 1836.
Murdock, John. Journal, ca. 1830–1859. John Murdock, Journal and Autobiography, ca. 1830–1867. CHL. MS 1194, fd. 2.
Partridge, Edward. Journal, Jan. 1835–July 1836. Edward Partridge, Papers, 1818–1839. CHL. MS 892, box 1, fd. 2.
Teachers Quorum, Minutes, 19 Mar. 1836.
Teachers Quorum. Minutes, 1834–1845. CHL. MS 3428.
Minutes, 3 July 1834; Minutes and Discourse, ca. 7 July 1834; Minute Book 2, 6 Jan. 1836; Minutes, 7 Nov. 1837 ; Murdock, Journal, 3 Mar. 1836.
Murdock, John. Journal, ca. 1830–1859. John Murdock, Journal and Autobiography, ca. 1830–1867. CHL. MS 1194, fd. 2.
See, for example, Minute Book 1, 2 Jan. 1836; Minute Book 1, 16 May 1836; and JS, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836.
Minute Book 1, 15 Jan. 1836.
High Priest certificates from May 1837 list Smith’s counselors as Gideon Carter and Warren Cowdery. (Form, LDS Messenger and Advocate, May 1837, 3:511; compare LDS Messenger and Advocate, Sept. 1837, 3:575.)
Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate. Kirtland, OH. Oct. 1834–Sept. 1837.
Minutes, 17 Aug. 1835; Partridge, Journal, 21 Jan. 1836.
Partridge, Edward. Journal, Jan. 1835–July 1836. Edward Partridge, Papers, 1818–1839. CHL. MS 892, box 1, fd. 2.
Minute Book 1, 15 Jan. 1836.
Cook and Backman, Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 25 Jan. 1836; JS, Journal, 29 Jan. 1836.
Cook, Lyndon W., and Milton V. Backman Jr., eds. Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 1836–1841. Provo, UT: Grandin Book, 1985.
Minute Book 1, 15 Jan. 1836.
Minute Book 1, 15 Jan. 1836.
Minutes, 17 Feb. 1834; Minutes, 28–29 Aug. 1834; Minute Book 1, 13 Jan. 1836.
Minute Book 1, 15 Jan. 1836.
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Record, 2 May 1835; Minute Book 1, 13 Jan. 1836; Partridge, Journal, 13 Jan. 1836.
Partridge, Edward. Journal, Jan. 1835–July 1836. Edward Partridge, Papers, 1818–1839. CHL. MS 892, box 1, fd. 2.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 3; The Twelve Apostles, [Kirtland, OH: ca. 7 Apr. 1836], copy at CHL; Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Record, 2 May 1835; compare Minutes and Discourse, 2 May 1835–A.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
The Twelve Apostles. [Kirtland, OH: ca. Apr. 1836]. Copy at CHL.
Minutes, Discourse, and Blessings, 14–15 Feb. 1835; The Twelve Apostles, [Kirtland, OH: ca. 7 Apr. 1836], copy at CHL.
The Twelve Apostles. [Kirtland, OH: ca. Apr. 1836]. Copy at CHL.
See Kirtland Camp, Journal; JS, Journal, 7 May 1838; and John Smith, Journal, 16 and 17 June 1838.
Kirtland Camp. Journal, Mar.–Oct. 1838. CHL. MS 4952.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
“Conference Minutes,” Elders’ Journal, Aug. 1838, 60–61.
Elders’ Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Kirtland, OH, Oct.–Nov. 1837; Far West, MO, July–Aug. 1838.
Nearly seventy patriarchal blessings on file at the CHL are listed as being given in 1838; both Isaac Morley (patriarch in Far West, Missouri) and Joseph Smith Sr. (general church patriarch) served as patriarchs during this year. (Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–, CHL.)
Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–. CHL. CR 500 2.
Minutes, 7 Nov. 1837. Nearly seventy patriarchal blessings on file at the CHL are listed as being given in 1838; both Isaac Morley and Joseph Smith Sr. served as patriarchs during this year. (Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–, CHL.)
Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–. CHL. CR 500 2.
Minutes, 7 Nov. 1837; Minute Book 2, 24 Feb. 1838; 6 July 1838; see also Letter from Edward Partridge, 5 Mar. 1839.
Minute Book 2, 8 Apr. 1838. Don Carlos Smith, the former president of the quorum of high priests in Kirtland, followed JS in migrating from Kirtland to Missouri but, according to JS’s journal, had not yet arrived there as of 6 July 1838. He was later sustained in the same position at a general church conference held in October 1839, which suggests the possibility that he replaced Rich by July after arriving in Commerce, Illinois. Smith served a fund-raising mission from September to December 1838. (JS, Journal, 6 July 1838; Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30; George A. Smith, Autobiography, 112–121.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Smith, George A. Autobiography, ca. 1860–1882. George Albert Smith, Papers, 1834–1877. CHL. MS 1322, box 1, fd. 2.
Minute Book 2, 8 Apr. 1838.
Instruction on Priesthood, between ca. 1 Mar. and ca. 4 May 1835 [D&C 107:87–88].
Teachers Quorum, Minutes, 15 Mar. 1838.
Teachers Quorum. Minutes, 1834–1845. CHL. MS 3428.
Minutes, 7 Nov. 1837; Minute Book 2, 26 Jan. 1838; 7 and 12 Apr. 1838.
Cook and Backman, Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 10 June 1838.
Cook, Lyndon W., and Milton V. Backman Jr., eds. Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 1836–1841. Provo, UT: Grandin Book, 1985.
Hepzibah Richards, Kirtland, OH, to Willard Richards, Bedford, England, 18–19 Jan. 1838, Willard Richards, Papers, CHL; Cahoon, Autobiography, 42.
Richards, Willard. Journals and Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490.
Cahoon, William F. Autobiography, 1878. Microfilm. CHL. MS 8433.
Cook and Backman, Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 17 June 1838. Reynolds Cahoon and Vinson Knight served earlier as Whitney’s counselors in Kirtland, but Cahoon was pressed into service in the temporary presidency of the stake in January 1838 shortly after JS’s departure, and both apparently migrated to Missouri by summer 1838. (JS, Journal, 7 and 8 May 1838; Vinson Knight, Spencerburg, MO, to William Cooper, Perryburg, NY, 3 Feb. 1839, International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City, UT; “Conference Minutes,” Elders’ Journal, Aug. 1838, 61.)
Cook, Lyndon W., and Milton V. Backman Jr., eds. Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 1836–1841. Provo, UT: Grandin Book, 1985.
Knight, Vinson. Letter. Spencerburg, MO, to William Cooper, Perryburg, NY, 3 Feb. 1839. International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City, UT.
Elders’ Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Kirtland, OH, Oct.–Nov. 1837; Far West, MO, July–Aug. 1838.
Cook and Backman, Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 10 and 17 June 1838; 8 July 1838.
Cook, Lyndon W., and Milton V. Backman Jr., eds. Kirtland Elders’ Quorum Record, 1836–1841. Provo, UT: Grandin Book, 1985.
“Conference Minutes,” Elders’ Journal, Aug. 1838, 60–61.
Elders’ Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Kirtland, OH, Oct.–Nov. 1837; Far West, MO, July–Aug. 1838.
“Conference Minutes,” Elders’ Journal, Aug. 1838, 61.
Elders’ Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Kirtland, OH, Oct.–Nov. 1837; Far West, MO, July–Aug. 1838.
“Conference Minutes,” Elders’ Journal, Aug. 1838, 61.
Elders’ Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Kirtland, OH, Oct.–Nov. 1837; Far West, MO, July–Aug. 1838.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 6 Apr. 1837, 17–19; “Anniversary of the Church of Latter Day Saints,” LDS Messenger and Advocate, Apr. 1837, 2:486–487.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate. Kirtland, OH. Oct. 1834–Sept. 1837.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 20 Dec. 1836, 9–11.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 23; 13 Mar. 1838, 48.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 6 Feb. 1838, 41.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 6 Mar. 1838, 44–45.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
“Conference Minutes,” Elders’ Journal, Aug. 1838, 61; see also Orson Hyde and Heber C. Kimball, Kirtland, OH, to JS, Far West, MO, ca. May 1838, in JS, Journal, 6 July 1838.
Elders’ Journal of the Church of Latter Day Saints. Kirtland, OH, Oct.–Nov. 1837; Far West, MO, July–Aug. 1838.
Revelation, 8 July 1838–A [D&C 118].
“Elegy,” Times and Seasons, Oct. 1840, 1:190; “An Address Delivered at the Funeral of Joseph Smith Sen.,” Times and Seasons, Sept. 1840, 1:170. Nearly seventy patriarchal blessings on file at the CHL are listed as being given in 1839; both Isaac Morley and Joseph Smith Sr. were serving as patriarchs during this year. (Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–, CHL.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Patriarchal Blessings, 1833–. CHL. CR 500 2.
Hepzibah Richards, Kirtland, OH, to Willard Richards, Bedford, England, 18–19 Jan. 1838, Willard Richards, Papers, CHL; “A Proclamation, to the Saints Scattered Abroad,” Times and Seasons, 15 Jan. 1841, 2:273–277.
Richards, Willard. Journals and Papers, 1821–1854. CHL. MS 1490.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30. Marks did not appoint his counsellors, Austin Cowles and Charles C. Rich, until 1842. (Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 20 May 1842.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.
See Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 2 May 1840; 8 Aug. 1840; 20 June 1840.
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 8 Aug. 1840.
Nauvoo High Council Minutes, 1839–1845. CHL. LR 3102 22.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
The Iowa stake elders quorum was not organized until January 1840; Daniel Avery was appointed president. (Iowa Stake, Record, 4 Jan. 1840.)
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Iowa Stake, Record, 19 Oct. 1839.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Iowa Stake, Record, 19 Oct. 1839.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30; Iowa Stake, Record, 5 and 19 Oct. 1839; 7 Nov. 1839; 6 Dec. 1839.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30; Iowa Stake, Record, 5 Oct. 1839; 6 Dec. 1839. Although Ripley appointed counsellors, there is no record that they ever fulfilled their appointments. (Iowa Stake, Record, 7 Dec. 1839.)
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Being the oldest member of the council and having previous experience as a high counsellor in Kirtland, Ohio, Asahel Smith may have acted as president of the high council in Iowa. John Smith or Lyman Wight of the stake presidency were usually present at high council meetings and occasionally presided. (Minute Book 1, 9 Sept. 1837; see also, for example, Iowa Stake, Record, 19 Oct. 1839; 6 Dec. 1839; 3 Jan. 1840; 4 Jan. 1840.)
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Letter to Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young, 16 Jan. 1839; Brigham Young, Preston, England, to “the Saints,” 17 Apr. 1840, Times and Seasons, June 1840, 1:119.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 20 Dec. 1836, 9–11; 5–6 May 1839, 69.
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
Record of Seventies, bk. A, 5 Jan. 1839, 57; Revelation, 19 Jan. 1841 [D&C 124:138].
Record of Seventies / First Council of the Seventy. “Book of Records,” 1837–1843. Bk. A. In First Council of the Seventy, Records, 1837–1885. CHL. CR 3 51, box 1, fd. 1.
Revelation, 8 July 1838–A [D&C 118]; Minute Book 2, 19 Dec. 1838.
General Church Minutes, 26 Apr. 1839; 14 Apr. 1840; Brigham Young, Preston, England, to “the Saints,” 17 Apr. 1840, Times and Seasons, June 1840, 1:119.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
General Church Minutes, 4 May 1839; Minutes, Times and Seasons, Dec. 1839, 1:30.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.
“Minutes of the General Conference,” Times and Seasons, 15 Apr. 1841, 2:387.
Times and Seasons. Commerce/Nauvoo, IL. Nov. 1839–Feb. 1846.