Interim Content
Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug. 1809–17 Nov. 1883. Schoolteacher, farmer, cooper. Born in Campbell Co., Kentucky. Son of Joseph Rich and Nancy O’Neal. Moved to Posey Township, Dearborn Co., Indiana, ca. 1810. Moved to Tazewell Co., Illinois, 1829. Baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by George M. Hinkle, 1 Apr. 1832, in Tazewell Co. Ordained an elder by Zebedee Coltrin, 16 May 1832, in Fountain Co., Indiana. Participated in Camp of Israel expedition to Missouri, 1834. Served mission to Illinois, 1835. Ordained a high priest by Hyrum Smith and John Smith, 12 Apr. 1836, in Kirtland, Geauga Co., Ohio. Moved to Far West, Caldwell Co., Missouri, 1836. President of high priests quorum, 1837, in Missouri. Married Sarah DeArmon Pea, 11 Feb. 1838. Moved to Quincy, Adams Co., Illinois, 1839. Moved to Commerce (later Nauvoo), Hancock Co., Illinois, fall 1839. Appointed member of Nauvoo stake high council, 5 Oct. 1839. Served in Nauvoo stake presidency, on Nauvoo City Council, and on University of Nauvoo board of regents, 1841. Member of Nauvoo Legion. Member of Nauvoo Masonic Lodge. Served missions to Illinois and Michigan, 1842–1844. Admitted to Council of Fifty, 26 Mar. 1844. Appointed major general of Nauvoo Legion, 1844. Elected trustee of town of Nauvoo, Apr. 1845. Moved to Mount Pisgah, Clarke Co., Iowa Territory, 1846, and served as presiding elder. Moved to Winter Quarters, unorganized U.S. territory (later in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska), Mar. 1847. Migrated to Salt Lake Valley, 1847, and served as counselor in Salt Lake stake presidency. Moved to Deuel Creek (later Centerville), Davis Co., Utah Territory, by 1849. Ordained member of Quorum of the Twelve by Brigham Young, 12 Feb. 1849, in Salt Lake City. Served mission to organize church in northern California, 1849. Moved to Utah Co., Utah Territory, by 1850. Left to serve colonizing mission to southern California, Mar. 1851; helped settle San Bernardino, Los Angeles Co., California. Returned to Utah Territory during Utah War, 1857. Served mission to Europe, 1860–1862. Served colonizing mission to Bear Lake Valley, 1863; settled Paris, Owyhee Co., Idaho Territory, 1864. Delegate to Utah territorial legislature, 1864–1872. Served on construction committee for temple in Logan, Cache Co., Utah Territory. Died in Paris.
- History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- City Charter: Laws, Ordinances, and Acts, July 1842
- Elders’ Journal, July 1838
- Times and Seasons, 1 August 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 June 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 March 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 February 1842
- Appendix 1: Letter to Oliver Cowdery and Others, circa 17 June 1838
- Appendix 2: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 27 February 1845
- Appendix 3: Orson Hyde, Statement about Quorum of the Twelve, circa Late March 1845
- Appendix 4: Council of Fifty, Roll, 22 April 1845–27 December 1846
- Appendix 7: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 19 January 1846
- Appendix: Wasp, Extra, 27 July 1842
- Appointments of Shadrach Roundy and Others, 9 September 1842, Draft
- Bill to Incorporate the Church, 14 December 1840
- Bond from Charles C. Rich, 5 February 1842
- Charges against John Scott, 26 December 1843
- Charges against Sylvester B. Stoddard, 22 November 1843
- Charges against William Niswanger, 19 May 1843
- Committee Appointments, 22 January 1842–B
- Committee Appointments, 22 January 1842–B, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Committee Appointments, 8 February 1845
- Committee Appointments, circa 19 May–circa August 1842
- Committee Meeting Minutes, 1 June–8 July 1843
- Committee Meeting Minutes, 16–28 December 1843
- Committee Meeting Minutes, 16–28 December 1843, Copy
- Committee Meeting Minutes, 26 January–10 February 1844
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 1, 10 March 1844–1 March 1845
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 2, 1 March–6 May 1845
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 3, 6 May 1845–13 January 1846
- Court-Martial against Amasa Bonney, 28 May 1842
- Court-Martial against Francis M. Higbee, 3 June 1842
- Court-Martial against Robert D. Foster, 10 May 1844
- Court-Martial against Sylvester B. Stoddard, 15 December 1843
- Court-Martial against Wilson Law, 9 May 1844
- Court-Martial against Wilson Law, 9 May 1844, Copy
- Deed from Charles C. and Sarah Pea Rich, 18 July 1843
- Deed from Charles C. and Sarah Pea Rich, 5 August 1843
- Docket Entry, 1–circa 6 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Doctrine and Covenants, 1844
- F. G. Williams & Co. Account Book, October 1833–November 1835
- General Orders for Nauvoo Legion, 2 August 1842
- General Orders for Nauvoo Legion, 20 December 1841
- General Orders for Nauvoo Legion, 22–27 February 1842
- General Orders, 28 April 1842
- History Draft [1 January–21 June 1844]
- History Draft [1 January–30 June 1842]
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 July–31 December 1842]
- History Draft [21 June–8 August 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume B-1 [1 September 1834–2 November 1838]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 Addenda
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Hyrum Smith, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Index to Nauvoo Registry of Deeds Book A
- Indictment, circa 7 January–circa 23 April 1839 [ State of Missouri v. Pratt et al. for Murder ]
- Introduction to State of Missouri v. Pratt et al. for Murder
- Invitation to Nauvoo Legion Officers and Wives, 28 April 1842
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 1, 21 December 1842–10 March 1843
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 3, 15 July 1843–29 February 1844
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 4, 1 March–22 June 1844
- Kirtland Elders’ Certificates
- Letter from Elias Higbee, 22 February 1840
- Letter from George Bratton, 24 March 1844
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball, 9 July 1840
- Letter from John E. Page, 23 September 1840
- Letter from Wilson Law, 9 December 1843
- Letter to William Thompson, 2 November 1839
- Letterbook 2
- License for Charles C. Rich, 18 April 1836
- License for Hosea Stout, 20 April 1840
- List of Members, Council of Fifty, May 1844
- List of Members, Council of Fifty, probably between 25 April and 3 May 1844
- List of Nauvoo Bonds and Deeds, 1842–1846
- List of Officers, circa November 1841
- Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845
- Map of Kirtland City, between circa 6 April and 18 May 1837
- Marriage Certificate for Allen Stout and Elizabeth Anderson, 18 July 1843
- Marriage Certificate for Asa C. Earle and Nancy Allred, between 26 February and 27 March 1843
- Marriage Certificate for George Colemer and Rebecca Hill, between 21 May and 7 July 1843
- Marriage Certificate for James Houghton and Eliza Thomas, 28 April 1843
- Marriage Certificate for James Reed and Emma Powel, 25 January 1843
- Marriage Certificate for John Rigby and Martha Thomas, 17 August 1842
- Marriage Certificate for William Gore and Elizabeth Whittle, between 10 September 1842 and 11 February 1843
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, 28 November 1843
- Military Order to Charles C. Rich, 29 April 1844–A
- Military Order to Charles C. Rich, 29 April 1844–B
- Military Order to Wilson Law, 8 December 1843
- Minute Book 1
- Minute Book 2
- Minutes and Discourse, 19 February 1843
- Minutes and Discourse, 29 December 1843
- Minutes and Discourse, 3–5 October 1840
- Minutes and Discourses, 5–7 October 1839
- Minutes and Discourses, 6 May 1844
- Minutes and Testimonies, 12–29 November 1838 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Minutes and Testimonies, 12–29 November 1838, Copy [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Minutes, 1 January 1842
- Minutes, 1 November 1841
- Minutes, 10 June 1843, Partial Copy
- Minutes, 10 June 1843, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 11 January 1845
- Minutes, 12 April 1841
- Minutes, 12 February 1842
- Minutes, 13 August 1842
- Minutes, 13 August 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 13 January 1844–B
- Minutes, 13 January 1844–B, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 14 December 1844
- Minutes, 14 December 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 15 January 1842
- Minutes, 15 March 1841
- Minutes, 16 October 1841
- Minutes, 17–18 February 1842
- Minutes, 18 December 1841
- Minutes, 18 December 1841, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Minutes, 2 March 1841
- Minutes, 20 December 1840
- Minutes, 20 February 1841
- Minutes, 20 June 1840
- Minutes, 20 May 1843, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 20 May–8 July 1843
- Minutes, 21 October–4 November 1843
- Minutes, 22 February 1841
- Minutes, 22 January 1842
- Minutes, 22 January 1842, Extract, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Minutes, 23 October 1841
- Minutes, 25 November 1843
- Minutes, 26 March 1844
- Minutes, 28 December 1835
- Minutes, 29 March 1841
- Minutes, 3 February 1841
- Minutes, 3 June 1842
- Minutes, 3 June 1842, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 30 January 1843
- Minutes, 30 October 1841
- Minutes, 30 October 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 3 February 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 4 December 1841
- Minutes, 4 March 1843
- Minutes, 4 November 1843, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 4 February 1841
- Minutes, 5 April 1844
- Minutes, 6 November 1841
- Minutes, 7–11 April 1841
- Minutes, 7–8 April 1838
- Minutes, 8 February 1841
- Minutes, 8 February 1845
- Minutes, 8 July 1843, as Recorded in Nauvoo Legion Minute Book
- Minutes, 8 March 1840
- Minutes, 9 July 1842
- Minutes, 9 March 1841
- Minutes, 9 November 1844
- Minutes, 9 September 1842
- Motion from Charles C. Rich, 6 November 1841
- Motion from John P. Greene, 6 November 1841–B
- Motion from William Law, 12 February 1842
- Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, 1841–1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February 1844–January 1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February–December 1841
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February–March 1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, January–November 1842
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, November 1842–January 1844
- Nauvoo City Treasury Ledger
- Nauvoo Legion Minute Book, February 1841–October 1844
- Nauvoo Marriage Record, February 1842–January 1846
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book A, 1840–1843
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book B, 1843–1846
- Note to Hiram Kimball, circa 23 October 1841
- Oaths from Nauvoo City Officers, 3 and 8 February 1841
- Ordinance, 1 March 1841–C
- Ordinance, 1 March 1841–C, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Ordinance, 3 February 1841–B
- Ordinance, 3 February 1841–B, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Parley P. Pratt, Testimony, 1 July 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Pay Order to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Charles C. Rich, 8 January 1844
- Pay Order to William Clayton for Stephen Markham and Charles C. Rich, 9 December 1843
- Pay Order, James Sloan to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Charles C. Rich, 30 January 1843
- Pay Order, Jonathan Dunham to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Charles C. Rich, 12 November 1844
- Pay Order, Jonathan Dunham to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Charles C. Rich, 4 September 1844
- Pay Order, William Clayton to Nauvoo City Collector for Charles C. Rich, 9 September 1844
- Petition from Benjamin Brown and Others, 1 March 1842
- Petition from Charles C. Rich and Others, 12 February 1841
- Petition from Charles C. Rich and Others, 5 November 1844
- Petition from Davis McOlney and Others, 8 August 1844
- Petition from George W. Hickerson and Others, 30 December 1841
- Petition from Hezekiah Peck and Others, 7 April 1842
- Petition from John Burscough and Others, 29 December 1841
- Petition from Jonathan Taylor and Others, 10 February 1842
- Petition from Nauvoo Legion, 9 September 1843
- Petition from Reuben Atwood and Others, 5 April 1842
- Petition from Robert L. Campbell and Others, 13 January 1844
- Petition from Stephen Winchester and Others, circa 11 March 1843
- Petition from Thomas J. Brandon and Others, 11 May 1842
- Petition from Thomas Rich and Others, 23 February 1842
- Petition from Willard Richards, 19 October 1844
- Poll Record, 13 August 1842
- Poll Record, 31 August 1844
- Preamble and Resolutions, 14 January 1845, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Proposed Plan for a Moot Organization and Congress, 6 February 1844
- Recommendation for Samuel Bent and George W. Harris, between circa 17 and circa 28 July 1840
- Recommendation from Nauvoo High Council, 27 October 1839
- Report from Charles C. Rich and Jonathan Dunham, 3 January 1845
- Report of Committee, 12 February 1842
- Report of Committee, 14 May 1842–A
- Report of Committee, 14 May 1842–D
- Report of Committee, 26 February 1842–A
- Report of Committee, 26 February 1842–B
- Report of Committee, 5 March 1842–A
- Report of Committee, 5 February 1841
- Report of Committee, 6 November 1841
- Report of Committee, 9 April 1842–A
- Report of Committee, 9 April 1842–D
- Report of Committee, 9 April 1842–E
- Report of Committee, circa 22 January 1842–A
- Report of Committee, circa 5 March 1842
- Report of Committee, circa 9 April 1842
- Report of Nauvoo Legion General Court-Martial, 30 November 1841
- Report of Nauvoo Legion General Court-Martial, 30 November 1841, as Published in Wasp
- Resignation from Alexander McRae and Amasa Lyman, 1 September 1842
- Resolution, 5 July 1842
- Revelation Book 2
- Revelation, 19 January 1841 [D&C 124]
- Revelation, 22 June 1834 [D&C 105]
- Rules of Order for Nauvoo City Council, 22 January 1842
- Statement of Account from Grubb & Ritchie, 18 November 1844
- Statement of Account to George Walker, October 1843
- Subpoena, 13 January 1844
- Summons for Court-Martial, 12 January 1844
- Summons for Court-Martial, 16 May 1842
- Summons for Court-Martial, 4 May 1844
- Summons for Court-Martial, 8 December 1843
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book A
- Tithing Daybook B
- Trial Report, 8–26 July 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Trustee-in-Trust, Account Book, 13 December 1841–26 April 1847
- Trustees Land Book A, 11 September 1839–30 April 1842
- Voting Record, 4 December 1841
- “A History, of the Persecution, of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints in Missouri,” December 1839–October 1840
- “Record of the ‘Nauvoo Legion,’” 4 February–9 March 1841

Charles C. Rich Circa 1850–1860 (courtesy International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Salt Lake City).
- Gender
- Male