City Council, Rough Minute Book, 8 Feb.–8 Mar. 1845; handwriting of ; six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
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moved “that continue to hold his seat until the New Council call upon the new Mayor to take his Seat”— seconded and carried—
moved “that we invite the Old Council to sit with us this day” carried—
" That we appoint a committee to wait on them— & seat them— carried—
" That , & be the Committee & they made the request— the report accepted, & carried.
Ex returned thanks & they took their Seats again—
Moved & seconded that we appoint to be the Recorder— and carried—
do.—— do.—— to be the Marshall— do.
spoke on the proper officers to continue—
Moved and seconded that we appoint be Registrar of Deeds—— do.——
Ex . it will be necessary for the City Co. to have an active standing police— that there may be a Supervisor in each Ward to a good advantage— I suggest this for your consideration—
if we have a Supervisor in each Ward we can have advantage taken for benefit, it will be a good thing to have one or two Constables in each Ward—
it feels hard for some men not to have a Street to his own house, and yet have to work out <his Street labor> in another Ward—
Ald said the had been instructed to work out, on Streets most used—
asked if he would be satisfied to have one ward—
spoke— after Joseph’s death, I have obeyed every word that the new has ordered me to do— I have done the best I could—
spoke— suggested & motioned “that we hear the Report of the ”—
read the City Charter section— & sd. it wod. be best to appoint 4 Asst. Supervisors & make them Constables— mit. let the old nominate them—
Co. Wright thot. it best for the Council to appoint them— , Co. — would like to have four Supervisors—
Co. Wright moved that Jose be Supervisor—— over the 4th. Ward—
“—— do—— appointed Supervisor of Streets for the City of together with three assistants” carried—
it is for this Council to say who the men shall be— & “moved that — Benjn. Jones & — be the 3—” they are good men & are getting no pay <for their services>— carried—
moved that D. Hendrix be one for 2nd. Ward— not seconded—