City Council, Rough Minute Book, 8 Feb.–8 Mar. 1845; handwriting of ; six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Page [3]
“Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of — Resolved that there be three asst. Supervisors appointed for the next two years”
I recollect a former time when there were certain persons appointed, it was fully discussed
the officers are appointed— we can put the ordinance first in the Ordinance book
moved that the appointt of 3 Assistant Supervisors be reconsidered— & that the men hold the two officers—
spoke— if a man takes charge of a Ward— he will get some remuneratn. & he may gain a little from his office— it was my idea to have different persons appointed the ordinance is just right to my mind— replied—
I dont believe <in> a Constable or Marshall; to be<ing> idle for one hour— to sit in his house until some one comes to tell him he is wanted— they ought to search out the very characters— & have their eyes about them—
read 1 time— 2 time by Title— 3 time— bill pass— satisfied with the Title
spoke— of the way he conducted his business— I had three City Wards worked in 3 days my bill has been 63.00 of a year the highest—
replied— spoke— spoke— replied— “that the People of the several Wards are not to be taken out of their own Ward into another[”]—
motioned “that we take up the accounts rescind the former vote of <3> Asst. Supervisors”— as we are now drawing up an Ordinance in order to put it in the proper place— carried
we went to work & created 4 Supervisors for different Wards—
Motioned & seconded that be Supervisor of 1st. Ward carried—
—— 2nd.—— carried—
Benjamin Jones—— 3rd—— carried
Spoke to appoint the men for the object of giving them some remuneration for their labors for the —
Adjourned for one hour— 1 oclock P M.
2 oclock P.M.
Met pursuant to adjournment— names of members called— a quorum present