City Council, Rough Minute Book, 8 Feb.–8 Mar. 1845; handwriting of ; six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Page [4]
spoke on the Marshall’s business—— & moved “that the accounts <of the old Council> be referred to the Committee on claims” carried—
Motioned that & fill the Committee on Claims this afternoon—
" the fine against be remitted— carried
spoke on his bill that would be allowed him according to the Ordinance of— the — I have left out all accounts— the whole amount has cost me 50.00 to carry out the business— it has always been my object to save expence to the — he also submitted the Clerks Report of dues, to the Municipal Court— there now remains due 188.45¾— to the Court— repeals <relinquished> his amount due to him from the Court —
Motioned & carried <seconded> that be Notary Public carried
do. be Market Master carried—
do. — City Surveyor do.
do. — Flour Inspector do.
do <> Fire Wardens 1st. Ward do
do <E. J. Sabine> " 2nd. do. do.
do " 3rd. do. do.
do. D. M. Repsher " 4th. do do
do.— Collector of 4th. Ward dorescinded
do Sealer of Weights & Measures do.
Co. Wright enquired why a Collector was is appointed in my case— if there is no cause— it will throw me out of a situation—
presented a petition from Benj Aber & 17 others for the remitting of a fine for selling Spirituous Liquors (against )
spoke upon the fine, and gave an account of the circumstance— & recommended that it be remitted—
said came voluntarily & finedhimself <confessed judgment>— he sd. he intended strictly to abide the ordinances of the —
remarked & proposed that Col. take immediate action on it— & referred it the Com. of the whole house— carried—
— I do not know if it has passed all the regular course— it is a hard case to be fined under the circumstances— there are other men also fined— we have got to have the whole difficulty brought before us at once—
I am acquainted with the whole facts of the case— has let the day pass so that he cannot carry it <to> the Municipal Court— this Court is the only place that can remit the fine— labours under difficulties—
— actually undergoes grievances— if he means to do right, he ought not to be lashed for his refractory family— moved “that ’s fine be wholly remitted” carried— [p. [4]]