City Council, Rough Minute Book, 8 Feb.–8 Mar. 1845; handwriting of ; six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
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replied— I have no doubt will try to get his remitted— I have no doubt we shall <have> some trouble with it—
Co. I agree with the remitting of this fine— if he cannot control his family— putit away— Co. Wright spoke on the subject— there is no parallell case to this— replied—
Petition of & others to open Munson St. from Fullmer St. granted
do & — to abate taxes not laid out in City Lots gra abated
spoke in full on the above petition—
Petition of for 35 days labor— motioned “that he suspend collecting on the old debts until ordered to collect by the ” carried— and referred his pay <bill> to Committee on claims— <allowed his claim 35.00. report accepted>
motioned that <the name of> Warsaw St. be changed— withdrawn—
replied there is no way of bounding land by but by the names of Streets— & I should be sorry for the people to lose any thing by it—
Committee on Claims find the s accounts very correct— and report favorable— that he dont get paid for his duties— and allowed 75.00— for extra services
moved that the Committee be discharged from any further duties— carried
do—— the Report be accepted— carried— <& that the be instructed to draw on the Treasury for the amount>
ordered to his issue his certificate on the Treasury for the amount in the Disbursement book— all except [Samuel] Marr & bills
read an ordinance concerning Steam Boats— passed Decr. 16. 1843— nominated . carried— and to have 50 cents each dollar as last year— carried—
Moved and seconded that be Pound master—
there was an order to restrain the from issuing City Scrip— & moved that the make out his report—
moved that the make out his report at our next Regular Session carried
read his report of Finance— and moved its acceptance & carried—
spoke about — Flour Inspector— & was replied to by —
— do.— young men horseracing &c in the Public Streets— moved that an Ordinance be drawn out— spoke about a Committee being appointed to revise all the City Ordinances— . said that a Committee was appointed for that purpose, we have a tolerable pretty good set of laws now— it may be necessary for us to make some little thing of this sort— it is a great desideratum for us to get together the ordinances— and it will be a great benefit to the — Strangers— and all persons—
An Ordinance to prevent horse racing in the Streets— read 1st. 2 by the Title 3 time bill pass— satisfied with Title
spoke on the subject— It is a great curse to have too much law— Ald followed— suggested an alteration in the wording of the Ordinance— stated the case of Keegan—
spoke— spoke— it is wisdom for me to do what I am going to do I simply resign the office of and appoint <nominate> Recorder— <the Recorder Elect nominated> and Dr. [p. [5]]