may hereafter be fixed by law; also, that he be required to give bonds to the amount of five thousand dollars with approved security before entering upon the duties of said office.
Resolved, that any constable, or collector of fines, be and is hereby authorized, if he cannot obtain money, to take property in payment of fines at a fair valuation, at his own discretion, and make returns there of to the proper officer as in other cases.
Resolved, That be and is hereby authorized to organize the Second Battalion First Regiment second Cohort, into a Regiment of Light Infantry, to be called “The Escort Regiment of Light Infantry” to take place in the second Cohort according to assignment, on parade days, and do such other duties of escort &c. as may be necessary, for and that he organize the First Battalion, First Regiment Second Cohort, into a Regiment of Artilery.
Adjourned to the Second Saturday in July (the 8th inst) proximo
Major General & President of the Court Martial
Secretary pro. tem of Court Martial
June 12th 1843.
I hereby certify that I approve of the above
Joseph Smith Lieutenant General Nauvoo Legion. [p. 36]