Resolved That Companies, Battalions &c. of the same grade, shall take rank according to their respective numbers in the line, the lowest number ranking.
Col George Coulson’s fine remitted.
Resolved That Captain ’s Company, (except those under 45 years of age,) shall be exempt from all fines against them, in past or future time, and that they are not required to do any kind of militia duty only when they see proper
, and ’s fines were remitted.
Resolved That the Courts of Appeals be and is hereby abolished and that appeals may be had to the respective Presidents of the Courts of Assessments who are hereby authorized to remit or suspend fines according to the evidence on all fines heretofore assessed.
Resolved, That an arsnal be built in the City of , to be located in any part of the , where the Lieutenant, and Major Generals may direct, who are also authorized to make, or cause to be made a draft of the same, and also to purchase, any piece of ground for the aforesaid purpose, which they may deem proper.
Resolved, That Col , be and is hereby appointed agent for the Legion, to superintend the business of the building of the aforesaid arsnal and that he be allowed one dollar and forty cents per day for his services while employed at that business, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and that he be armorer of said arsnal when completed; and that he be allowed such remuneration for said services as [p. 35]