Interim Content
Ripley, Alanson
8 Jan. 1798–before 1860. Surveyor, lawyer. Born at New York. Son of Asa Ripley and Polly Deforest. Married Sarah Finkle. Resided in Massachusetts, 1827. Member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ohio. Participated in Camp of Israel expedition to Missouri, 1834. Landholder in Caldwell Co., Missouri, 1837. Ordained a seventy, 7 July 1838, at Far West, Caldwell Co. Surveyed Adam-ondi-Ahman, Daviess Co., Missouri. One of the committee for removing the poor from Missouri in 1839. Bishop in Lee Co., Iowa Territory, 1839–1841. Appointed city surveyor in Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Illinois, 1841. Appointed sergeant major in Nauvoo Legion, 3 June 1842. Moved to Pike Co., Illinois, by June 1850.
- History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839]
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1840]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- City Charter: Laws, Ordinances, and Acts, July 1842
- Elders’ Journal, August 1838
- Elders’ Journal, July 1838
- Account with Estate of Oliver Granger, between circa 3 February and circa 2 March 1842
- Affidavit, 4 May 1841 [ Singley v. Rigdon ]
- Affidavit, 6 May 1841–A [ Singley v. Rigdon ]
- Affidavit, 7 July 1843–A
- Affidavit, 7 July 1843–B
- Agreement with Amos Rees and Alexander Doniphan, 28 November 1838
- Agreement, F. P. Blevin with Alanson Ripley, 28 June 1839
- Assignment from Alanson Ripley, 23 March 1840
- Assignment of Bond from Alanson Ripley, 23 March 1840
- Assignment, Amos Davis to Oliver Granger, 21 April 1840
- Authorization for Stephen Markham, 27 May 1839
- Bill in Chancery, between 26 April and circa 31 May 1849 [ Kimball v. L. C. Bidamon et al. ]
- Bill in Chancery, circa 18 August 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Bill to Incorporate the Church, 14 December 1840
- Bond, 21 December 1840 [ Hibbard for the use of Hungerford & Livingston v. Miller and JS ]
- Bond, Hugh White to Alanson Ripley, 30 April 1839
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, 14 December 1844
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, 15 January 1842
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, 17 May 1843
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, 18 May 1842
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, 9 December 1842
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, circa 13 November 1841
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, circa 22 April 1842
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, circa 27 November 1841
- Complaint, 12 September 1838 [ State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot ]
- Complaint, 28 August 1838 [ State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot ]
- David W. Vrooman, Answer, circa 1 December 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Deed to Emma Smith and Others, 12 July 1843
- Deed to Emma Smith, 13 June 1842
- Deed, 5 June 1852 [ Kimball v. L. C. Bidamon et al. ]
- Deed, Aaron and Polly Kelsey Johnson to Oliver Granger, 22 November 1839–A
- Deed, Aaron and Polly Kelsey Johnson to Oliver Granger, 22 November 1839–B
- Deed, Alanson Ripley to Oliver Granger, 15 November 1839
- Deed, Isaac and Elizabeth Wilcox Galland to Oliver Granger, 29 1839 May–A
- Deed, Isaac and Elizabeth Wilcox Galland to Oliver Granger, 29 1839 May–B
- Deed, Isaac and Elizabeth Wilcox Galland to Oliver Granger, 29 May 1839–A, as Recorded in Lee County, Iowa, Land Records
- Deed, Isaac and Elizabeth Wilcox Galland to Oliver Granger, 29 May 1839–B, as Recorded in Lee County, Iowa, Land Records
- Deed, Vinson Knight to Oliver Granger, 15 November 1839–A
- Deed, Vinson Knight to Oliver Granger, 15 November 1839–B
- Discourse, 13 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 9 May 1841, as Reported by Julius Alexander Reed
- Discourse, circa 19 July 1840, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray–B
- Docket Entry, Failure to Answer and Appointment of Guardian ad Litem, 20 September 1850 [ Kimball v. L. C. Bidamon et al. ]
- Docket Entry, Nolle Prosequi, 5 August 1840 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Docket Entry, Nolle Prosequi, 5 August 1840 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Arson ]
- Docket Entry, Orders and Continuance, 12 March 1852 [ Kimball v. L. C. Bidamon et al. ]
- Docket Entry, circa 19 December 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Clements and N. Tanner ]
- Emma Smith Bidamon and Others, Answer, 14 November 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Fee Bill, circa May 1841 [ Singley v. Rigdon ]
- Henry G. Sherwood, Account Book, November 1839–June 1844, November 1844
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1841]
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 January–3 March 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume B-1 [1 September 1834–2 November 1838]
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Index to Nauvoo City Council Minute Book–A
- Index to Nauvoo City Council Minute Book–B
- Indictment, circa 10 April 1839 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Arson ]
- Indictment, circa 10 April 1839 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Indictment, circa 10 April 1839, Copy [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Arson ]
- Indictment, circa 10 April 1839, Copy [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Introduction to Ferris Administrator of the Estate of JS
- Introduction to Singley v. Rigdon
- Introduction to State of Missouri v. Baldwin et al. for Arson
- Introduction to State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Arson
- Introduction to State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason
- Introduction to State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot
- Introduction to State of Missouri v. Worthington et al. for Larceny and State of Missouri v. JS for Receiving Stolen Goods
- Introduction to Illinois Land Transactions
- Introduction to Iowa Land Transactions
- John Kelly, Answer, 22 November 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- John Wolfe, Answer, circa 1 December 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Joseph Smith’s Store Daybook A, January–July 1842
- Journal, 1839
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843
- Journal, March–September 1838
- Land Survey, May–July 1838
- Letter from Adolphus Allen, 13 July 1841
- Letter from Alanson Ripley, 10 April 1839
- Letter from Austin A. King, 10 September 1838
- Letter from Don Carlos and Agnes Coolbrith Smith, 11 April 1839
- Letter from Elias Higbee, 20 February 1840–A
- Letter from Elias Higbee, 22 February 1840
- Letter from Henry Q. Jennison, 18 August 1841
- Letter to Edward Partridge and the Church, circa 22 March 1839
- Letter to Emma Smith, 21 March 1839
- Letter to George W. Harris, 24 May 1839
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 March 1839
- Letter to John and Sarah Kingsley Cleveland, 24 May 1839
- Letter to Presendia Huntington Buell, 15 March 1839
- Letter to Seymour Brunson and Nauvoo High Council, 7 December 1839
- Letter to Seymour Brunson and Nauvoo High Council, 7 December 1839, Copy
- Letter to the Church and Edward Partridge, 20 March 1839
- Letterbook 2
- List of Nauvoo Bonds and Deeds, 1842–1846
- Luke P. Prentice, Answer, 23 November 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Marriage Certificate for Alfred Gay and Maria Ripley, 13 April 1843
- Memorial to Nauvoo High Council, 18 June 1840
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, 28 November 1843
- Minute Book 2
- Minutes and Discourse, 6 March 1840
- Minutes and Discourse, 6–8 April 1840
- Minutes and Discourses, 5–7 October 1839
- Minutes and Testimonies, 12–29 November 1838 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Minutes and Testimonies, 12–29 November 1838, Copy [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Minutes and Testimonies, 12–29 November 1838, Copy and Letter [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Minutes, 1 June 1843
- Minutes, 11 February 1843
- Minutes, 12 April 1840
- Minutes, 12 April 1840, Draft
- Minutes, 13 April 1838
- Minutes, 13 November 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 14 December 1844
- Minutes, 14 January 1843
- Minutes, 14 May 1842
- Minutes, 15 January 1842
- Minutes, 18 December 1841
- Minutes, 19 May 1842
- Minutes, 20 June 1840
- Minutes, 22 April 1842
- Minutes, 24 April 1839
- Minutes, 27 June 1840
- Minutes, 3 July 1840
- Minutes, 3 July 1840, Rough Copy
- Minutes, 30 January 1843
- Minutes, 7–11 April 1841
- Minutes, 8 March 1841
- Nathan Prentice, Answer, 23 November 1850 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, 1841–1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February 1844–January 1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February–December 1841
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, January–November 1842
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, November 1842–January 1844
- Nauvoo City Treasury Ledger
- Nauvoo Marriage Record, February 1842–January 1846
- Nauvoo Registry of Deeds, Deed Record Book B, 1843–1846
- Ordinances, 30 January 1843
- Pay Order to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Alanson Ripley, 19 May 1842
- Pay Order to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Alanson Ripley, 1 June 1843
- Pay Order, James Sloan to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Alanson Ripley, 30 January 1843
- Pay Order, John C. Bennett to Nauvoo City Treasurer for Alanson Ripley, 28 January 1842
- Pay Order, Samuel Smith to William Clayton for Alanson Ripley, 30 January 1844
- Petition from Alanson Ripley and Others, 10 June 1844
- Petition from Alanson Ripley and Others, 14 May 1842
- Petition from Robert L. Campbell and Others, 13 January 1844
- Petition to George O. Tompkins, between 9 and 15 March 1839 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Petition to George O. Tompkins, between 9 and 15 March 1839, Copy [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Petition, circa 11 September 1838 [ State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot ]
- Poll Record, 13 August 1842
- Receipt from Wesley Williams, 5 September 1839
- Receipt to George Swarthout, 29 August 1840
- Receipt to Jonathan Harrington, 8 July 1842
- Receipt to Luman Gibbs, 13 August 1840–A
- Receipt to Luman Gibbs, 13 August 1840–C
- Receipt to Luman Gibbs, 13 August 1840–B
- Receipt to Luman Gibbs, 13 August 1840–D
- Receipt, Hugh White to Alanson Ripley, 29 October 1839
- Recognizance, 18 September 1838 [ State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot ]
- Recommendation from Nauvoo High Council, 27 October 1839
- Report from William Clayton, 5 November 1842
- Report of Agents, circa 30 January 1841
- Resolution, 19 May 1842–E
- Resolution, 19 May 1842–F
- Revelation, circa Early March 1841 [D&C 125]
- Ruling, 29 November 1838 [ State of Missouri v. Gates et al. for Treason ]
- Subpoena, 13 January 1844
- Subpoena, 16 January 1844
- Subpoena, 19 December 1842 [ City of Nauvoo v. Clements and N. Tanner ]
- Subpoena, 3 May 1841 [ Singley v. Rigdon ]
- Summons for Court-Martial, 12 January 1844
- Summons for Court-Martial, 4 May 1844
- Summons for Court-Martial, 8 December 1843
- The Book of the Law of the Lord, Book A
- Tithing Daybook B
- Town Lot Order to Jane Miller, 6 March 1840
- Town Lot Order to Maria Clark, 16 April 1840
- Transcript of Proceedings, Treason, 6 July 1839 [ Extradition of JS et al. for Treason and Other Crimes ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 17 July 1852 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 18 September 1838 [ State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot ]
- Trustee-in-Trust, Account Book, 13 December 1841–26 April 1847
- Trustees Land Book A, 11 September 1839–30 April 1842
- Warrant, 12 September 1838 [ State of Missouri v. JS et al. for Riot ]
- “A History, of the Persecution, of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints in Missouri,” December 1839–October 1840
- Gender
- Male