Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Mr. <Levi> Bracken Sworn.— said told him Complt had come to his price for the ox, but did not tell price.— & that Complt. told him $20, & then witht any more words between them, $22.— Saw ox afterwards on the Street.
The spoke briefly upon <a> part of the Evidence.— also spoke on <the> part of the .—
spoke as to the Evidence on pt. of Complt..— The Complt. likewise spoke upon the Testimony given.—
Colr. Joseph Smith spoke upon the Evidence given.—
Colr. likewise spoke.—
also spoke.—
Colr. spoke also.—
The made some observations on the Case.—
Colr. Joseph Smith again adverted to the Testimony.—
A Vote was then called for by Ayes & Noes, whether be guilty of all or any of the charges preferred against him,— The number of the Council present was 17, who voted in the affirmative, for his acquittal, without a dissenting voice.—
The Council then adjourned until Saturday Evg. 15th. Jany. 1842.—
City Council met pursuant to adjournment,— Meeting opened <by> Prayer, Minutes of last meeting Read.—
A Petition was presented on behalf of & , praying that Lumber Street be opened to the full extent, as it is obstructed by Fence. which was Referred to , Colrs. & .— [p. 5]