Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
It is hereby Ordered by the &c., that the do draw from the City Treasury, in the usual manner, Fifty Dollars, in part pay for his Services in the present Year
It is hereby Ordered by &c., that the Claim of for services as a Member of this Col, do stand over until next meeting, & that the do <then> Certify to this Col the amount of Services done.
City Council met purst to special Notice, <the took the Chair,> meeting opened by prayer, Names of Council called, reading of minutes of last meeting dispensed with until next meeting.
moved that a Petition be prepared to lay before the of this , praying that he will protect Lieutenant Genl Joseph Smith from arrest under any Writ from , and the Inhabitants of this & its vicinity from the intrigues of evil designing Men.
The gave an Explination of what he considered the Petition should contain, & so forth.
, , & were appointed a special Committee to prepare the Petition, and the to assist.
The Council adjourned <at eleven oC A. M.> until the Petition be prepared and to meet upon the meeting ground, The Petn was prepared.
The Council met at half past 3 oC. when the Petition was read by the , after the Organization of the Col., and accepted <& adopted.> by Vote of the Col., with priviledge to the Committee to revise <& amend> it in form, before engrossment, but retaining the substance.