Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
presented a Petn. from & others to lay & open Water Street commencing at Stret running East to the Charter line.
Which was rejected upon Motion.—
A Bill for an Ordinance in Relation to the Registry of Deeds, and other Instruments of Writing, was presented, recd. the first & 2nd. Readings, The Col went into a Committee of the whole,— The Vice Mayor was called to <& took> the Chair,— & The took the Floor, & spoke to some length, in favour of the Bill.—
Colr. spoke at length in favour of the Bill.—
The again spoke in Support.—
The Vice Mayor spoke upon the Charter &c, (from the Chair) and occupied a considble length of Time.—
The spoke further upon the Subject, & Moved That the Committee Rise & Report, & they Reported in favour— of the Bill, which is to be read a third time at the next meeting of Council.—
The Names of the Col. were Called.
Adjourned to meet on the first Saturday in March next.
The City Col. met pursuant to Adjournment,— Meeting opened by Prayer,— Names of the Council were called, after the Minutes of the last Meeting had been read & approved of.—
<1> Petn. of D. Clough <& others> for opening Wells St., & <also a> Subscription paper, were referred to the Committee of Improvements.—
<2.> Petn. of & o[the]rs to have Kimble St. opened, was Refd to the Committee of Improvement.—
<3> Remonstce of <& ors> agst opening Kimball St. was Refd to the Committee of Improvement.—
<"> Petn The last foregoing Petn. <& > were Refd., upon Motion, to a Select Committee, — & .— [p. 16]