Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
was duly elected a Regent of the University of the City of , in the place of , deceased.
Resolved &c, that the be, &he hereby is instructed to procure <for the Corporation, a sealing> press, for the use of the Corporation Seal, the price whereof is not to exceed Five Dollars.
Resolved &c that the procure a Book to keep an account of the Orders drawn upon the Treasury, & so forth.
Friday Septr. 9th 1842. special meeting at 8 oClock A. M.
Council met by special call,— opened by Prayer, The Mayor & being absent. was elected to preside as President pro Tem.— Names of the Council were called,— Minutes of last meeting read, & approved.
Resolved &c., That on any Member or Members of the City Council of the City of leaving, or reporting that he or they is <or are> about to leave the , with the intention of being absent for three Months or longer, the City Council may elect a Member or Members to fill his place ortheir places, until his or their return.
declared his intention of being absent for three Months or longer, and Recommended to fill his place,— declared a like intention, & recommended ,— made a like declaration, & recommended ,— for a like reason recommended .— likewise recommended ,— being absent from the City was nominated to fill his place,— having gone also, was nominated to fill his place,— & , also absent, was nominated to fill his place. and those [p. 39]