Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Colr. applied on the part of , that he be instructed in his Duty as Weigher & Sealer, was permitted to speak, & he gave an Idea of the mode of adjusting, & Sealing Weights & Measures, This Matter was discussed by several of the Council, but <they> did not come to any decision upon it.—
The appointed the following Committees.—
Comittee of Ways & Means.— Joseph Smith,— ,— & .—
" On Claims.— , , & .—
" On public Grounds,— ,— ,— & .—
" On Finance.— ,— ,— & .—
" On Municipal Laws.— J. Smith.— ,— & .—
Upon Motion of , It was Resolved, that the City Col. & Committees shall be paid the Sum of Two Dollars per Day each, for their Services, as Counsellors.—
Upon Motion of , It was Resolved, that the City Marshal receive the same pay for his time as <one of> the City Counsellors.—
Upon Motion of , It was Resolved, that the Sexton have Two Dollars for digging each Grave, & interring a Body, & that no other Person or Persons shall have the priviledge so to do, <in any Case,> unless by permission of the Sexton, & that the Sexton do keep a Record of all the Interments.—
Upon Motion of Colr. , that this Council procure a Complete Plot of the , for their Use, the same was referred to the Committee of Ways & Means.—
Upon Motion of that this Col. appoint a Committee to buy a Lot for, & prepare a House for the Council, which It was ordered to be <laid> on the Table.—