Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Names of the Council were called.— Reading of Minutes of last Meeting dispensed with, until next Meeting.
<obtained leave, and> brought forward a Bill to regulate proceeds in the Municipal Court under , the Bill was read the first time, and <upon Motion for a second Reading, it was> and referred to , and Colrs and , (a select Committee,) to Report thereon at the first meeting of Council.
was duly elected a Member of this Council, in the stead of deceased, and was Sworn.
Names of the Council called,— reading of Minutes of <three> last meetings dispensed with until next meeting.—
The Committee to whom was referred the Bill for regulating proceedings under Writ of in the Municipal Court, made their Report, which, upon Motion, was accepted, the Bill was read the second time, & upon discussion was amended, it was then read the third time according to the usual proceedings, and passed Unanimously. Title agreed to, As follows, “An Ordinance regulating the mode of proceeding, in Cases of Habeas Corpus, before the Municipal Court”.