Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Colr.moved a Resoln. that the Bill for fining the Members of the City Council for nonattendance, be, Repealed.—
The Question was put, “shall this Bill be rejected,” which Carried unanimously.
In the Resolu
The Vice Mayor spoke upon the Subject of Pay to the Colrs..—
Genl. rose to speak, & declined.—
spoke in favour of receiving Pay.—
Colr. spoke, <& sd he thought> that Pay shd be appropriated to the Poor.
spoke against Council receiving Pay.—
, wd. wish for Pay honorably, or be released as a Colr..
Genl. , spoke in favour of the Col. having Pay.—
does not wish it to be said that the Citizens are Poor.
The said there cannot be more than $500,00 raised on the Assesst.
said his theme was, & is, that we are Rich, & also spoke at consid[era]ble length.— The Vice Mayor declared his intention <of speaking at length on this Subject at next Meeting. —>
Adjourned until Six oClock Tomorrow Evg..— & to be considered as part of this Day. —
Council met agreeable to adjournment— opened by Prayer.
The vice Mayor arose, & waived his Right to Speak on the Subject of Taxn. at present, & reserved it for another Time.—
Colr.moved a Resoln. that the Monies resigned by the City Council, or any part of them, if not disposed of by themselves, become a poor Fund, to be appropriated hereafter for the benefit of the Poor of the City of . which was put to Vote, & Carried.—
Colr.resigned his pay as Colr., for the time past, & the present year, except any Fines which may be levied on him.
The Committee Reported on the Petn. for opening Bluff St, & brought in their Report, which was Accepted.—
The Vice Mayor moved, that Bluff Street be opened, which was Seconded, & upon Vote, it was Ordered to be opened <from Mulholland St to Munson St.—>
The Committee reported back the assesst., & <recommended> that it be recd., which was accepted, & the Assessment was Adopted upon Vote.