Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
City Col. met purst. to adjournt.,— Meeting opened by Prayer, Minutes of last meeting Read.—
The presented a Message <or Communication to the City Col.>, containing sevl. Rules & regulations for the City Col., embracing the Order of proceedg. in Col., the Rights & priviledges of the Members, & duties of <the officers &c.,> which was Read, The s Message <was> referred to the Committee <on> of Municipal Laws
The Committee to whom a Petn. was refd, respecting a Street <which Colr.> <Petd. for, &> wished to be opd, brought in their Report, which was red., & the Petn. Granted, by allowing Harris St. to be opened from the , running East till near Mr. Baties West Line, thence South one Block, thence East to the East Line of Mr. Moffitts Farm, thence South two Blocks to the North Line of s Farm, thence East to <the> Eastern bounds of the .—
The Committee to whom <was referred the Petn for the opening a St. running on the South Side> of the , between Hibbard & Doil from the East to the limits of the , Report, & Recommend that the St. 7 <rods> North which has been surveyed, shd be opened, in preference, as it is on the best Ground, it wd save a Consid[era]ble expence to vary a little where it is now laid from the Creek by Caspers East, also to extend no further West at this time than the first Street East of Warsaw Street. The report was received, & , , , , <&> , spoke in debate upon this Report, & same was adopted as it Originally stood, as above.—
The Committee on the Petn. for the opening of [blank] Back St. from Mulholland St. to Munson St., Report, that they examined concerning the practicability of opening sd Street, & believe it wd be for the Interest of the Citizens on sd. St., & for the convenience of the Inhabitants Generally.— The Report Was received. & Colr. [p. 8]