Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
, , <&> spoke in discussion, upon this Report, & same was adopted as brought forward.—
Genl. Joseph Smith brought forwd the Report of the Committee of Ways & Means, Who Reported that a Complete Plot of the be procured for the use of the City Council,— which Report was Recd, & adopted.—
The presented an Order for fixing the Compensation of the City Col, & for other purposes,— which Recd first Reading.— Recd <2nd> Reeading.— & Carried by Vote, that it be Engrossed.—
Col. spoke in Support of the Bill.
The spoke in expln of the Views with which he prepared <the Bill.>
moved an Amendt., to strike out the words second Satdy. in each Month, & insert the first Monday in each Quarter, commencing on the first Monday in March next.— Which Amendt was lost on Vote.—
The Bill was Ordered to be Engrossed.— was Read a 3rd time, & passed by the above Title.—
The following were this Day appd. to be the Committee of Ways & Means.
Gl. Joseph Smith
4th Ward)
2nd. Ward.
3rd Ward)
1st. Ward.
The Committee on the Mayors Commun., brought in their Report, which was discussed, so far as respects amendts<or alterations> made by <them, &> <the> Report of Committee <was> Accepted,— and Adopted by Vote of Ayes & Noes.—
Mayors Office &c. (see same in Times & Seasons of Feby. 1st.)
The Assessor brought in his Book, <of assessment, of the Property of the Citizens,> as a Report, which was Referred to the Committee of Ways & Means, who appd. to meet at the Col. Room on Thursday next, to investigate the Assessment, & ascertain the expences of the for the Current Year, &c..—
The s Message as amended <& Reported upon, was> Ordered to be published in the Times & Seasons, & 30 Extra Copies to be got for the use of the Council.—
Genl. Joseph Smith was Elected vice Mayor.— by Ballot.— Viz