Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Nauvoo Legion passed Feby. 3rd. 1841.— which was received, the Rules were dispensed with, and it received the Usual Readings, and passed, entitled, “An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Organizing the Nauvoo Legion. passed February 3rd. 1841.”
A Bill was presented relative to the publication of the City Laws & Ordinances, which went through the usual proceedings, the Rules being dispensed with, and became an Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance Authorizing the publication of additional Laws and Ordinances”.—
Colr. to whom it was referred to prepare the Duties of Pound keeper, presented a Bill to that effect, which (after some remarks,) was Ordered to be laid on the Table.
The made a return of the delinquents who have not performed their labour on the Streets for the year 1841, within the time granted to them, (up to July 1st. 1842,) and it was referred to & (a Select Committee,) to prepare an Ordinance, to provide for the Recovery of the Forfeitures.
& were appointed a Select Committee, to prepare a Bill for an Ordinance, relative to having Returns made by City officers, of all Fines assessed by before them.
was duly elected City Coroner, by an Unanimous Vote.
Charles Warner was duly elected a City Auctioneer, by an Unanimous Vote.
Upon Motion of Colr. , It is hereby Ordered by the City Council of the City of , that a Sum of Fifty Dollars be appropriated towards the printing of the Laws and Ordinances of this , & that the usual Order be drawn upon the Treasury for that purpose.— [p. 35]