Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
City Col. met at Two oClock afternoon. Meeting opened by Prayer, <reading of the> Minutes of last Meeting dispensed with until next meeting,— Names of Council Called.
A Petn. was presented on behalf of & ors for liberty to keep a Well open, which was referred to the Committee of improvement <Public Grounds>.
A Petn on behalf of & o[the]rs for a Well to remain open, was presented, & refd. to the Comittee of Improvet <public> Grounds.—
<See hereafter.>
A Petn. from Reuben Atwood & ors to open Bagbee Street, was <from> presented Parley Street North to Kimball Street, was presented, as also a Remonstrance, The Petn. (having a Majority of Signatures,) was Granted, at the expence of the Petrs.
A Petn. from & ors for a Bridge on Carlin Street, at the junction of Joseph Street, across the Ravine, was presented, & referred to the Committee of Improvement.—
A Petn. from Jeremiah Curtis & others to have Hibbard Street opened, was referred to the Committee of improvement.—
A Petn. was presented by Genl , to have a Right Angle made on Harris Street two Blocks to the South, sd Angle to be made on the East Line of Thomas Beatys Farm, & thence to go East according to the former ordinance, to the East End of the City Limits,— which was Granted.—
Resolved, that in all Cases before the authorities of this , Costs of Suit shall be Taxed against the unsuccessful Party.