Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The Bill in relation to the Registry of Deeds, & other Instruments of Writing was brought forward. The question was put “Shall the Bill be read a 3rd. time” & Carried Unanimously. & the Bill was read accordingly.—
The Vice Mayor spoke in Support of the Bill.
Colr. also spoke in Support.—
The Vice Mayor again spoke at length in favour of the Bill.—
The spoke in expln. of the Law of Registry.
Colr. moved that it be referred to the Committee on Municipal Laws, & same was Committed to them
It was afterwards put to vote, & carried, that the Council go into a Committee of the whole.
The Vice Mayor then took the Chair.—
The Bill was amended <by the Committee,> & Reported back, & Read.—
The took the Floor & spoke in favour <of> the Rights of the Col. to pass this ordinance in any of the forms it has been offered, & spoke at length.
The Vice Mayor spoke from the Chair, on the powers contained in the Charter, & so forth.—
Genl. spoke to consid[era]ble length in favour of the Bill, & The , , , & , spoke, & also used strong arguments in favour of the Bill.—
The Committee of the whole reported back the Bill as amended.— Amendment Carried by Vote.—
Question “shall the Bill pass” was put, & Carried.—
The Bill passed.— Title,— An Ordinance in Relation to the Registry of Deeds, & other Instruments of Writing.—
(Comes in here)
The Vice Mayor was appointed Register, by Vote, by Ballot, To Wit.— For one,— one.— three— & Joseph Smith Vice Mayor Eighteen,— who was then declared duly Elected.—
Resolved that the Fees of the Recorder of Deeds & other Instruments of Writing shall be, for Recording one hundred Words fifteen Cents,— For Copies of the same twelve & one half Cents,— For every search of Record twelve & one half Cents,— Official Certificate of Seal, when requested, thirty seven & one half Cents,— for each Certificate without Seal, twenty five Cents,— Payable in all Cases in advance.—