Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Meeting of City Council as above, Opened by Prayer. Names of the City Council called, Minutes of the last three Meetings were read <& approved of>— Several Petitions were presented, read, & referred to the respective Committees.
<The> Committee of Municipal Laws Reported upon, & Recommended that Went into a <the Adoption of the Petition that> all Brothels or Houses of ill Fame Erected or continued in the City of be prohibited, and by Law declared a public Nuisance.
It was moved Seconded & Carried that the House go into a Committee of the whole, which was done, Colr. was called to <& took> the Chair.
Genl. Joseph Smith spoke at length, & wished for an ordinance to remedy the existing Evil.
Genl. spoke to considerable length to the same effect.
spoke <in strong Terms> in accordance with the Remarks made by the foregoing Members who spoke before him.
Genl. J. Smith again Spoke, & wished <that the Bill for> an Ordinance, amended, as <that purpose as> offered by Col , shd be amended.
The Bill was amended accordingly.
Colr spoke at length in Support of the Bill. Colr. also spoke in Support, & at length.
The Bill was read, as amended.
Genl. J. Smith again spoke to consid[era]ble length.
Colr. explained.
Genl again spoke, <& amongst other things> agst. Night Suppers, <night> Parties & Balls, & c. &c..
Adjourned for one Hour, at one oC. P.M.
Council came to order at Two oClock, P.M.
took the Floor, & spoke in support of the Bill.
also spoke in approbation of the Bill.
spoke in support, & wishes Bill amended, by leaving the <Penalty> without limitation, or the Bill was amended, Rules dispensed with, & Bill read 2nd. time, the Usual Rules were gone through & the Bill passed.— Title,— “An Ordinance Concerning Brothels & disorderly Characters. [p. 25]