Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The Petn. of Thomas J. Brandon & others to have Hotchkiss Street opened from Arlington St east to Winchester St. <as also a Remonstrance agst same> were referred to the Committee of Improvement, who reported thereon, which Report was rejected. & it was Resolved that the Petn. be rejected, & it was rejected accordingly.
The Claim of as Marshal, notify for notifying the City Council, & other Services, from 3rd. Feby. 1841, until Octr. 15th. 1841, was Referred to the Committee on Claims, who Reported, Recommending that twelve Dollars be allowed to him for said Services, which Report was received & Adopted.
The Petn. of & others, to have the highway Taxes of the altered, & to Tax every Man according to what the property he possesses, was referred to the Committee of Ways & Means, who reported. the Report was received, & adopted, Rejecting the Petition.
A Bill was brought forward praying that the Act entitled an Act regulating Stores & Groceries be repealed, which was referred to the Committee on Municipal Laws, who reported in favor of the Bill, which was read the first time, Rules dispensed with, & came to a second reading, & upon discussion by J. Smith Vice Mayor, Colrs. , & , & the further usual proceedings had thereon, the following Ordinanc[e] was passed, entitled, An Ordinance to repealg. certain Ordinances respecting Licences in the City of .
<Order drawn, & paid.>
The Committee of Claims brought in their report upon the Claim of , which was received, & Adopted, allowing him Six Dollars for Surveying Harris Street, and extending Young Street.
A Bill was brought forward praying for the Reduction of the price for Sealing Weights & Measures, which was referred to the Committee of Municipal Laws, who reported in favour of the Bill, which was read the first time, Rules dispensed with, read second time, the further usual proceedings were had thereon, & passed into an Ordinance, entitled An Ordce to amend an Ordce entitled “An Ordce to regulate Weights & measures.”— [p. 26]