Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Some of the Members of the City Council convened, <at the Mayors > but in consequence of a majority not attending, and the severity of the Weather, those present adjourned until Two oClock Tomorrow. the being absent by reason of a misunderstanding of the time of Adjournment on 10th. Inst., the names of the Members who attended were not taken down.
Council met pursuant to adjournment,— Meeting opened by Prayer,— names of Council called,— minutes of last two meetings read & approved.— It was agreed that the <keeping a Record of the> names of the Members who attended at the last meeting, be dispensed with.
The Committee to whom was referred to bring forward a Bill regulating the Fees and compensation of the several <the Municipal Court, and other> Persons, brought forward their Report, which was accepted The Bill was read the first time, proceedings had thereon, Read second time,— ordered to be laid upon the Table until the next meeting.
The Bill, for a Law to regulate Writs of , & proceedings thereunder, was taken up, & upon Motion, ordered to a second reading, & <was> read accordingly, it was then referred to a select Committee, to wit, , , , , & to amend the Bill, & present it when amended, and the was instructed to assist the Committee.
presented a Petn. from George McKinzie & others for to have Kimball Street opened from Barlow Street East to Bagby Street, which was granted, at the expense of the Petitioners.
Adjourned until ten oClock A. M. on Monday next. [p. 46]