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Office, Nauvoo, Illinois


Term usually applied to JS’s private office, which was located at various places during JS’s lifetime, including his home. From fall 1840 until completion of JS’s brick store, office was located on second floor of a new building, possibly on Water Street just northwest of JS’s home. Office moved to upper floor of JS’s store when that building was completed, Dec. 1841. JS’s office served as administrative headquarters for church and location where JS kept sacred writings, dictated revelations, and translated Book of Abraham. JS also had office in Nauvoo Mansion. Term also refers to mayor’s office, located at JS’s home, at smokehouse on JS’s property, and later in JS’s private office in brick store. JS’s office served as headquarters for Nauvoo Legion during June 1844 conflict in Hancock Co. Term was also applied to temple recorder’s office and city recorder’s office. Temple recorder’s office, where tithing was received and recorded, was located in lower floor of JS’s store from Dec. 1841 until Nov. 1842, when it moved to small brick addition to committee house, adjacent to temple. City recorder’s office was apparently located in or near mayor’s office until Dec. 1844, when it moved to Willard Richards’s new home.


Hancock County
United States of America