Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, January–November 1842
Page 10
It was unanimously adopted, That——Genlto be allowed One Dollar per day for the use of <the Room & Fuel & Candles> <for twelve Days, amounting to Twelve Dollars.—>
Genl. Joseph Smith Sworn in Vice Mayor of the .—
The then announced the Standing Committees.—
presented an Ordinance in Relation to Dogs, which was Rejected.—
The was instructed to make out a list of Expences, granted by the City Col., & have same ready for the use of the Committee of Ways & Means, on Thursday next.—
Adjourned to meet on the 2nd. Saturday in Feby. next, same place
City Col. met purst to Adjournment— Meeting opened by Prayer, Minutes of last Meeting Read.— Names of the Council Called.
presented a Petn. for opening a St. running from Parley St. South to Lumber St., reffd to Committee on Improvements.
A Petn. was presented respecting Swine, & referred to the Comittee on Municipa[l] <Law>
<Issued Order.>
Colr. presented a Claim from which was referred to the Committee on Claims, who Reported, & <the Council> allowed the Amt. claimed $11, 50. for Measures furnished by him.
presented a Claim from the Assessor for Assessing 35 days at $2,00 pr day, which was reffd to the Comittee on Claims, who reported thereon, adopting the Claim.— The Report was brought forwd.— Colrs. , & spoke, & report was <ordered to be> laid on the Table.
Colr. presented a Resln. to open Young St, through to the Eastern boundary of the City of , & that Mulholland St. be not opened further than ’s Farm, at present.— which was Refd. to the Committee on Improvements.—
presented a Resoln. relative to the Names of Streets, which was referred to the Committee on Municipal Law, Who made their report, upon which the following Resoln. was adopted.