Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Deft. pleaded not guilty to <the> Charge in afft..
exd., & X examined.—
examined, & Cross Examined.—
Exd., & X Examid..—
Exd., & X Examined.—
Moved Seconded & Carried, that Cause be Dismissed.—
<Stricken out by the direction of Col April 22nd. 1842.—>
Resolved that the Name Carlin be stricken out of the City Platt as the name of a Street, & that the Name Hyde be inserted instead thereof, and Woodruff, for Bluff. Page St instead of Back Street.— Bennett instead of Warsaw.— Cahoon instead of Bennett.— Hill St. to be Hills St.—
Resolved that <the City> Marshal () do enter upon his Duties, & lodge his Bond with Security, at next Meeting.—
Collector to make his Returns the Second Saturday in June next.—
<Genl Order on Treasurer 26 Apl 42.>
The Assessors Fees for assessment <for the year 1841> Amounting to Seventy Dollars, for thirty five Days assessing, were <was> allowed.—
<Genl> & <Aldn> are instructed to Contract <with> < & ano[the]r> for liberty for Him <& anor> to run a Wing into the for a Dam, & that the & as instructed, to confirm the same.
The Committee brought forward their Report upon the Petn. for opening Bagbee St. which was accepted, & the Report adopted, that Bagbee Street be opened from Parley Street North to Kimball Street, at the expence of Reuben Atwood & ors, Petitioners.