Interim Content
Mississippi River
Principal U.S. river running southward from Itasca Lake, Minnesota, to Gulf of Mexico. Covered 3,160-mile course, 1839 (now about 2,350 miles). Drains about 1,100,000 square miles. Steamboat travel on Mississippi very important in 1830s and 1840s for shipping, transportation, and recreation. At least four steamboat landings utilized in Nauvoo, Illinois: Upper Stone House Landing, Kimball Landing, Lower Stone House Landing, and Nauvoo House Landing. River also utilized by Saints for performing baptisms and as source of food. Church owned modest freighting steamer, Maid of Iowa, which traversed entire Mississippi. Thousands of British converts immigrated to Nauvoo on river steamers from New Orleans, 1840–1846.
- History Draft [6 August 1838–30 December 1839]
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1840]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 [2 November 1838–31 July 1842]
- John Whitmer, History, 1831–circa 1847
- Letter from Oliver Cowdery, 8 April 1831
- City Charter: Laws, Ordinances, and Acts, July 1842
- General Smith’s Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States, circa 26 January–7 February 1844
- Maid of Iowa List of Debts, 2–11 May 1844
- Times and Seasons, 1 October 1842
- Times and Seasons, 1 September 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 April 1842
- Times and Seasons, 15 July 1842
- Times and Seasons , 2 May 1842
- Account of Hearings, circa 20 December 1843
- Account of Meeting, 23 May 1844
- Account of Meeting, 3 July 1841
- Account of Meeting, circa 30 March 1841
- Account of Trial, 21–28 May 1845, Longhand [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account of Trial, 21–28 May 1845, Shorthand [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–A [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account of Trial, 24–28 May 1845–A, as Published in Trial of the Persons Indicted [ State of Illinois v. Williams et al. ]
- Account, circa 23–circa 30 June 1843 [ Extradition of JS for Treason ]
- Act to Incorporate the City of Nauvoo, 16 December 1840
- Affidavit from Andrew M. Hamilton and James B. Hamilton, 20 December 1843, Thomas Bullock First Copy
- Affidavit from Andrew M. Hamilton and James B. Hamilton, 20 December 1843, Thomas Bullock Second Copy
- Affidavit from Andrew M. Hamilton and James B. Hamilton, 20 December 1843, Thomas Bullock Third Copy
- Affidavit from Andrew M. Hamilton and James B. Hamilton, 20 December 1843, William W. Phelps Copy
- Affidavit from Anson Call and Others, 19 June 1844
- Affidavit from Anson Call and Others, 19 June 1844, Copy
- Affidavit from Daniel Avery, 28 December 1843
- Affidavit from Dellmore Chapman and Letter to Thomas Ford, 6 December 1843
- Affidavit from Philander Avery, 20 December 1843
- Affidavit from Philander Avery, 20 December 1843, Thomas Bullock Copy
- Affidavit from Truman Gillet Jr., 18 June 1844
- Affidavit from Truman Gillet Jr., 18 June 1844, Draft
- Affidavit, 30 November 1840 [ Miller et al. v. B. Holladay and W. Holladay ]
- Affidavit, 8 September 1838
- Agreement with Daniel C. Davis, 21 October 1839
- Agreement with George W. Robinson, 30 April 1839
- Agreement with William Law, 26 April 1841
- Agreement, 30 April 1845 [ Coolidge Administrator of the Estate of JS ]
- Amended Pleas, circa 30 October 1844 [ JS et al. v. C. B. Street and M. B. Street ]
- Appendix 2: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 27 February 1845
- Appendix 3: Willard Richards, Journal Excerpt, 23–27 June 1844
- Appendix 4: William Clayton, Daily Account of Joseph Smith’s Activities, 14–22 June 1844
- Appendix 5, Document 4. Draft Notes, 1844
- Appendix 7: Council of Fifty, Minutes, 19 January 1846
- Bill from Willard Richards, circa 31 May 1843
- Bill from William W. Phelps, circa 10 June 1843
- Bill to Incorporate the Church, 14 December 1840
- Bill, 11 January 1845–A
- Blessing to Joseph Kingsbury, 23 March 1843
- Bond from First Presidency, 4 January 1842, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Bond from Horace Hotchkiss, 12 August 1839–B
- Bond to Elijah Able, 8 December 1839
- Bond to John L. Butler, 1 November 1839
- Bond to Justis Morse, 14 July 1840
- Bond to William White, 20 July 1840
- Bond, Isaac Galland to George W. Robinson, 30 April 1839, as Recorded in Hancock County Deeds
- Claim from Alanson Ripley, circa 27 November 1841
- Complaint, 11 December 1843 [ State of Illinois v. Elliott–A ]
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 1, 10 March 1844–1 March 1845
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 2, 1 March–6 May 1845
- Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846; Volume 3, 6 May 1845–13 January 1846
- Declaration, 21 June 1834
- Declaration, circa 23 April 1841 [ Miller et al. v. B. Holladay and W. Holladay ]
- Decree, 13 January 1852 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Deed from Daniel H. and Eliza Robison Wells, 4 February 1843
- Deed from Jacob Remick, 1 September 1842–A
- Deed from Jacob Remick, 1 September 1842–B
- Deed from Robert and Mary Crane McQueen, 20 February 1843
- Deed from William and Achsah White, 20 July 1840
- Deed to Arthur Millikin, 11 December 1841
- Deed to Ebenezer Robinson, 11 December 1841
- Deed to Lovina Smith and Others, 11 December 1841
- Discourse from John C. Bennett, 3 February 1841
- Discourse, 1 March 1840
- Discourse, 13 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 15 October 1843
- Discourse, 20 March 1842, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff
- Discourse, 21 February 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Discourse, 27 March 1842
- Discourse, 28 April 1842
- Discourse, 30 July 1840, as Reported by John Smith
- Discourse, 6 April 1843–B, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 6 April 1843–B, as Reported by William Clayton
- Discourse, 7 April 1842–C
- Discourse, 8 April 1840, as Reported by Times and Seasons
- Discourse, 9 May 1841, as Reported by Julius Alexander Reed
- Doctrine and Covenants, 1844
- Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account
- Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account, Draft
- History Draft [1 January–21 June 1844]
- History Draft [1 January–30 June 1842]
- History Draft [1 January–31 December 1841]
- History Draft [1 March–31 December 1843]
- History Draft [1 January–3 March 1843]
- History Draft [1 July–31 December 1842]
- History Draft [21 June–8 August 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume B-1 [1 September 1834–2 November 1838]
- History, 1838–1856, volume C-1 Addenda
- History, 1838–1856, volume D-1 [1 August 1842–1 July 1843]
- History, 1838–1856, volume E-1 [1 July 1843–30 April 1844]
- History, 1838–1856, volume F-1 [1 May 1844–8 August 1844]
- Index to Nauvoo City Council Minute Book–A
- Index to Nauvoo City Council Minute Book–B
- Interview, 29 August 1843
- Introduction to C. A. Foster v. JS and Coolidge
- Introduction to Extradition of JS et al. for Treason and Other Crimes
- Introduction to Extradition of JS for Treason
- Introduction to Miller et al. v. B. Holladay and W. Holladay
- Introduction to Moffet Administrator of the Estate of JS
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Elliott–A and State of Illinois v. Elliott–B
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. JS and H. Smith for Treason
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–A, State of Illinois v. JS for Riot on Habeas Corpus, State of Illinois v. H. Smith et al. on Habeas Corpus, and State of Illinois v. JS et al. for Riot–B
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Owsley et al.
- Introduction to State of Illinois v. Williams et al. and State of Illinois v. Elliott–C
- Introduction to Iowa Land Transactions
- Introduction to Steamboat Maid of Iowa
- Introduction to Steamboat Nauvoo
- Inventory of Property, circa 14–16 April 1842
- John Taylor, Martyrdom Account
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 1, 21 December 1842–10 March 1843
- Journal, December 1841–December 1842
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 2, 10 March 1843–14 July 1843
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 3, 15 July 1843–29 February 1844
- Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 4, 1 March–22 June 1844
- Lease to James Adams and Elezer Van Drezer, 15 November 1841
- Letter and Pay Order to Lucian Adams, 2 October 1843
- Letter from Abraham Jonas, 21 March 1843
- Letter from Aldrich & Chittenden, 28 July 1842
- Letter from B. F. Withers, 28 December 1841
- Letter from Brigham Young, 23 October 1843
- Letter from Brigham Young, 7 May 1840
- Letter from Dan Jones, 8 January 1844
- Letter from Don Carlos Smith and William Smith, 6 March 1839
- Letter from Don Carlos Smith, 3 June 1841
- Letter from Don Carlos Smith, circa Late May 1838
- Letter from Edward Hunter, 10 February 1842
- Letter from Edward Partridge, 13–15 June 1839
- Letter from Edward Partridge, 5 March 1839
- Letter from Emma Smith, 7 March 1839
- Letter from Erastus Derby, 9 October 1843
- Letter from Fields Jarvis, 6 February 1843
- Letter from Francis M. Higbee, 8 September 1843
- Letter from George J. Adams, 23 February 1843
- Letter from George Miller, 4 September 1842
- Letter from George W. Henry, 18 July 1841
- Letter from Halsey Cook, 20 March 1843
- Letter from Harrison S. White, 10 May 1843
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball and Others, 25 May 1840
- Letter from Heber C. Kimball, 9 July 1840
- Letter from Henry Q. Jennison, 18 August 1841
- Letter from Hinkle, 12 June 1842
- Letter from Hiram Barney, 24 January 1842
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 1 April 1840
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 13 September 1841
- Letter from Horace Hotchkiss, 30 October 1843
- Letter from Hyrum Smith, 2 January 1840
- Letter from Isaac Galland, 11 March 1843
- Letter from James Adams, 8 June 1843
- Letter from John C. Bennett, 27 July 1840
- Letter from John Cleminson, between 1 and 15 May 1842
- Letter from John Mills, 1 September 1843
- Letter from Levick Sturges and Others, 30 January 1842
- Letter from Lyman Wight and Heber C. Kimball, 19–24 June 1844
- Letter from Mason Brayman, 29 July 1843
- Letter from Newel K. Whitney, 29 October 1841
- Letter from Orson Hyde, 17 July 1841
- Letter from Paicouchaiby and Other Potawatomi, circa 14 August 1843
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 13 March 1842
- Letter from Parley P. Pratt, 24 October 1841
- Letter from Reuben Hedlock, 16–17 October 1843
- Letter from S. J. Wild, circa 30 April 1843
- Letter from Samuel McClanathan, likely between 20 June 1842 and 20 June 1844
- Letter from Seth Richards, 31 January 1842
- Letter from Sybella McMinn Armstrong, 1 May 1843
- Letter from Thomas Rawcliff, 24 May 1843
- Letter from Thomas Ward, 26 September 1842
- Letter from Udney H. Jacob, 6 January 1844
- Letter from Unidentified Author, 6 May 1844
- Letter from William Clayton, 26 June 1844
- Letter from William Griffey, 18 May 1843
- Letter from Zenas Gurley, 4 May 1842
- Letter of Introduction from H. King, 31 August 1843
- Letter to David Hale, 12–19 February 1841
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843, Initial Draft
- Letter to Editor, 15 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Editor, 17 March 1843
- Letter to Editor, 17 March 1843, Draft
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 22–circa 27 April 1843, Final Draft
- Letter to Editor, 8 April 1843
- Letter to Editor, 8 April 1843, Second Draft
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 21 December 1841
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 26 January 1842
- Letter to Edward Hunter, 5 January 1842
- Letter to Emma Smith, 16 August 1842
- Letter to Emma Smith, 4 June 1834
- Letter to Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young, 16 January 1839
- Letter to Horace Hotchkiss, 10 December 1841
- Letter to Horace Hotchkiss, 28 July 1840
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 11 September 1839
- Letter to Isaac Galland, 22 March 1839
- Letter to John C. Bennett, 7 March 1842
- Letter to John C. Bennett, 8 August 1840
- Letter to John M. Bernhisel, 7 September 1842
- Letter to John McKee, 28 March 1843
- Letter to John and Sarah Kingsley Cleveland, 24 May 1839
- Letter to Joseph L. Heywood, 2 November 1843
- Letter to Justin Butterfield, 14 June 1843
- Letter to Quorum of the Twelve, 15 December 1840
- Letter to Saints Scattered Abroad, September 1840
- Letter to Thomas Ford, 23 June 1844
- Letter to William Thompson, 2 November 1839
- Letter to William W. Phelps, 31 July 1832
- Letter to William W. Phelps, 22 July 1840
- Letter to Wilson Law, 14 August 1842
- Letter to the Church and Others, 23 June 1842
- Letter to the Church, 7 September 1842 [D&C 128]
- Letter to “All the Saints in Nauvoo,” 1 September 1842 [D&C 127]
- Letter, George Walker to William Clayton, 3 January 1844
- Letter, Solicitor of the Treasury to Montgomery Blair, 1 June 1841
- Letter, Willard Richards to James Arlington Bennet, 19 March 1843
- Letterbook 2
- Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1844–1845
- Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845
- Memorandum, 2 October 1841
- Memorial to Nauvoo High Council, 18 June 1840
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844, Draft
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844, Thomas Bullock First Copy
- Memorial to the United States Senate and House of Representatives, circa 16 December 1843–12 February 1844
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 17 June 1844–B
- Military Order to Jonathan Dunham, 17 June 1844–B, Willard Richards Copy
- Minutes and Discourse, 19 February 1843
- Minutes and Discourse, 28 April 1842
- Minutes and Discourse, 3–5 October 1840
- Minutes and Discourse, 6–8 April 1840
- Minutes and Discourses, 17 March 1842
- Minutes and Discourses, 5–7 October 1839
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–7 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–7 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Minutes and Discourses, 6–8 April 1842
- Minutes, 1 July 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock
- Minutes, 1 July 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, Draft
- Minutes, 1 June 1843
- Minutes, 1 March 1841
- Minutes, 10 February 1843
- Minutes, 11 January 1845
- Minutes, 11 March 1843
- Minutes, 12 July 1841
- Minutes, 12 July 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 13 July 1844
- Minutes, 14 December 1844
- Minutes, 14 December 1844, Extract, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Minutes, 14 May 1842
- Minutes, 15 April 1843
- Minutes, 15 February 1841
- Minutes, 15 March 1841
- Minutes, 15 November 1842 [ State of Illinois v. D. Brown and Edwards ]
- Minutes, 1 March 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 1 May 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 20 January 1843
- Minutes, 20 June 1840
- Minutes, 21 December 1843
- Minutes, 22 April 1842
- Minutes, 22 January 1842
- Minutes, 24 April 1839
- Minutes, 27 May 1843
- Minutes, 27 October 1839
- Minutes, 28–29 August 1834
- Minutes, 29 November 1843
- Minutes, 30 January 1843
- Minutes, 3 February 1841, Copy
- Minutes, 5 January 1844
- Minutes, 8 April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards
- Minutes, 8 December 1843
- Minutes, 8 March 1840
- Minutes, 9 April 1842
- Minutes, 9 November 1844
- Minutes, 9 November 1844, Draft
- Miscellaneous Notes [21–23 June 1844]
- Nauvoo City Council Minute Book, 1841–1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February 1844–January 1845
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, February–December 1841
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, January–November 1842
- Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, November 1842–January 1844
- Note from Willard Richards, 30 January 1844
- Notice, 26 August 1843
- Notice, circa 1 December 1842
- Ordinance, 1 June 1843–A
- Ordinance, 1 June 1843–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 1 June 1843–A, as Recorded in Nauvoo City Council Minute Book
- Ordinance, 10 June 1843
- Ordinance, 10 June 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–A
- Ordinance, 11 January 1845–A, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 August 1843, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 12 December 1843–C
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–C
- Ordinance, 14 December 1844–C, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–B
- Ordinance, 16 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–A
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B, Copy
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –A
- Ordinance, 8 December 1843–B, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor –B
- Parley P. Pratt, History of the Late Persecution, 1839
- Petition from Aaron Farr and Others, 21 April 1842
- Petition from Albert P. Rockwood and Others, 18 July 1842
- Petition from Brigham Young, 11 January 1845
- Petition from Charles C. Rich and Others, 5 November 1844
- Petition from David Clough and Others, 11 February 1842
- Petition from Ebenezer Robinson and Aaron Johnson, 15 January 1844
- Petition from Hyrum Smith, 14 January 1842
- Petition from John Burscough and Others, 29 December 1841
- Petition from John C. Annis, 30 April 1841
- Petition from John C. Annis, 9 August 1844
- Petition from John Hammond and Others, 18 October 1842
- Petition from Lorenzo Brown and Others, 11 January 1843
- Petition from Newel Knight and Others, 13 February 1841
- Petition from Samuel Bent and Others, 12 December 1844
- Petition from Stephen Winchester and Others, circa 11 March 1843
- Petition from Thomas Grover and Others, 21 January 1843
- Petition from William Law and Wilson Law, circa 14 May 1842
- Petition from William Marks, 12 July 1841
- Petition from William Nesbitt, 6 December 1842
- Poem from Eliza R. Snow, 12 October 1842
- Power of Attorney to Amasa Lyman, 28 February 1843
- Proclamation, 15 January 1841
- Proclamation, 25 March 1843
- Proclamation, 25 March 1843, as Published in Times and Seasons
- Promissory Notes from Daniel Avery and Others, 24 September 1843
- Promissory Notes, William Watson and Others to William Kay and the Temple Committee, 15–26 March 1844
- Proverbs, between circa 11 August and circa 4 September 1842
- Receipt from Wesley Williams, 5 September 1839
- Receipt from William White, 23 April 1840
- Recommendation from Nauvoo High Council, 27 October 1839
- Reflections and Blessings, 16 and 23 August 1842
- Remarks, 3 October 1843
- Report of Agents, circa 30 January 1841
- Report of Committee, 22 January 1842
- Report of Committee, circa 12 August 1843
- Report of Committee, circa 22 January 1842–A
- Report of Nauvoo Legion General Court-Martial, 30 November 1841
- Report of the First Presidency, 4 October 1840
- Resolutions, 7 December 1843
- Revelation, 19 January 1841 [D&C 124]
- Revelation, 6 June 1831 [D&C 52]
- Revelation, circa Early March 1841 [D&C 125]
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April-circa 8 May 1843, Second Printed Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April-circa 8 May 1843, Willard Richards Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843, First Printed Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843, James Sloan and John Taylor Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843, William Clayton Draft
- Revised Minutes and Discourses, 23 April–circa 8 May 1843
- Revised Minutes, 17 June 1844
- Revised Minutes, 17 June 1844, as Published in Nauvoo Neighbor
- Revised Minutes, circa 17 June 1844, Partial Draft
- Schedule of Creditors, circa 14–16 April 1842
- Sidney Rigdon, Appeal to the American People, 1840
- Sidney Rigdon, Appeal to the American People, 1840, Second Edition
- Sidney Rigdon, JS, et al., Petition Draft (“To the Publick”), circa 1838–1839
- Statement of Account, Maid of Iowa to Philo Allen, 28 May 1844
- Subscriptions for Willard Richards, 2 August 1843–12 March 1844
- Transcript of Proceedings, circa 17 July 1852 [ United States v. Joseph Smith III et al. ]
- Trial Report, circa 12 February 1845 [ State of Illinois v. Elliott–C ]
- Trustee Accounts, March–May 1842
- Trustees Land Book B, 4 August 1842–8 December 1845
- Warrant, 2 August 1842–A [ City of Nauvoo v. W. Thompson ]
- “A History, of the Persecution, of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints in Missouri,” December 1839–October 1840
- “Church History,” 1 March 1842
- “Extract, from the Private Journal of Joseph Smith Jr.,” July 1839
- Country:
- United States of America