, your life is threatened,— A policeman stopped me— in the dark, I was alarmed,— <> I supposed the threats were from that policeman— but I was mistaken. another policeman said last Sunday, that Joseph had enemies. that & myself were Joseph’s enemies, & if they come in his way, or they might be popped over <a fire was kindled in the street near my house, and I thought I was watched,>
. told me,— and a man in the east part of town, told me. and a man come from the other side of the & told the story, <to that man as he said>— yesterday morning , . & met in street,— & I told the story, as before related.
Mayor, did ever any body tell you I was the one who dire[c]ted you to be watched? . No!—
went for — &— [George] Crouse,
, sworn on Sunday 31 dec.— I met in Crouses Store. asked him if he knew who the Brutus was. Smith said he believed , <was one> & another, they had better not come in my <his> way,— my impression was if they were coming in Did not say he would shoot them or endanger their lifes any way.— Did not know whether there was any private instructions.— or what.— believed was in danger, did not think in danger from Joseph.— thought Smith was under a wrong impression with regard to .— W. Smith said he <()> had better not come in my way.— I gath[ere]d the idea there was something wrong with Bro Smith Don’t recollect any person present,— Mayor, Did Mr Smith give you to understand that I had authorized him to believe there was any difficulty, between us, or any other policemen? <> No!—
Did not think W. Smith would transcend his official duties, towards .— felt at the time & was in danger— did not think they were in danger if they did not rise up against the authority.— Did not say he had any instruction— said to you have enemies,— My impression was that somebody had been to Joseph to make a bad impression on his mind.— W. Smith did mention name, <I think> according to the best of my recollection 30 policemen swrron [sworn] <all who were present> Testified that Gen Smith had never given them any private instruction concerning the case before the council
— said asked my opinion, I said from rumor [p. 37]