For more on the Nauvoo lyceum, see Historical Introduction to Discourse, ca. 2 Feb. 1841.
Revelation, 9 Feb. 1831 [D&C 42:30–36].
Revelation, between ca. 8 and ca. 24 Mar. 1832. An 1831 letter from Thomas B. Marsh reveals that from the church’s beginning, its goal of creating a community of equals, or Zion, included the elimination of class distinctions. In the letter, he used the concept of Zion, where all would live in equality, to urge his sister and her husband to leave their home and join the religious movement in Ohio. He wrote that if they came, they would find “a blessed people who are all one not rich & poor bond & free but all are one in Christ partakers of the Hevenly gift.” (Thomas B. Marsh and Elizabeth Godkin Marsh to Lewis Abbott and Ann Marsh Abbott, [ca. 11 Apr. 1831], Abbott Family Collection, CHL.)
Abbott Family Collection, 1831–2000. CHL. MS 23457.
For an example of one failed attempt to live the law of consecration, see Historical Introduction to Revelation, 10 June 1831 [D&C 54].
Iowa Stake, Record, 6 Dec. 1839, 9–10.
Iowa Stake, Record. / Iowa Stake. “Church Record,” 1840–1841. CHL. LR 7817 21.
Minutes and Discourse, 6 Mar. 1840; John Smith, Journal, 1836–1840, 6 Mar. 1840.
Smith, John (1781-1854). Journal, 1833–1841. John Smith, Papers, 1833-1854. CHL. MS 1326, box 1.
For more on the dating issues in McIntire’s notebook, see Historical Introduction to Discourse, ca. 2 Feb. 1841.