Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Genl. J. Smith moved a Resoln. that when property is Sold at Sheriffs <Marshals or Constables Sale under the ordinances of this ,> Sale, the Persons having their Property Sold shall have the privilege to Redeem the same, by paying <the Principal> <&c & fifteen per Cent on Principal, with> Cost & Charges, within thirty days after Sale.— which Resolution was Carried upon Vote.—
<5> The Committee of Improvement to whom was referred a Petn. for the opening of a Street, running South from Parley to Lumber Street, between , Bently, Taylor &c., we ◊◊◊◊ <reported, and> Recommended <that> Sd. St. be called Rich Street, & that said Petn. be granted.—
The report was recd., & Adopted as Recommended.—
<6> The Committee of Improvement to whom was referred the list of Delinquents on Streets, <reported, &> Recommend, that said Delinquents be required to pay, or work out the amt. on the Streets, By the first of July next, in this Year.— which was Recd, & adopted.
<7> Resolved that those wells in or near the Centre of Streets, be Ordered to be filled up by the Owners within thirty days, otherwise to be done by the authorities of the at the owners expence, & that no well shall hereafter be dug in any Street, except by Order of the City Col., & also that all wells on the Sides of Streets shall be well & sufficiently curbed within twenty days, or be filled up as aforesaid, & that all excavations be fill’d up as aforesaid.
<8> The Committee of Improvement <reported, &> wd. recommend that the resoln. referred to them “that the St. running South East of Warsaw St., heretofore Ordered open, be discontinued at its junction with Knight St., instead of Mulholland St.”.— be granted, which Report was recd., & the Resoln. Carried.—
<9> The Committee of Improvement <reported &> wd. Recommend the <following> within Names be given to the within following numbered Streets, from Warsaw St., Eastward.— Which Report was in part, & Recd., & adopted.— to Wit 1 Fulmer, 2 Rich, 3 Green, 4 Barlow, 5 Winchester, 6 Brigham, 7 Bagby, 8 Spears, 9 Bennett, 10 Richard, 11 Sloan, 12 Marks.— [p. 17]