Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
moved a Petn. <from Joseph Fisher & others,> for Opening Back St.,— from Mulholland St., to Munson St.,— Referred to <a> Committee of , <Colr> , & <Aldmn.> .—
The Petn of <John> Burscough & others, respecting a St., referred to a Committee of <Aldmn> , & , & .—
The Petn. of for a St., <to be opened,>, Referred to <Colrs> , , & .—
<Orders have been given on these four Claims.>
The Petn. of Supervisor of Streets, allowed, for a Sum of $36,12½. for 35¼ days Work on Streets, & 87½Cts Smith Work included.—
The Petn of allowed, for Three Dollars, for Surveying the first St East of Warsaw St..
The Petn. of , Allowed, for Five Dollars, for Summoning City Council, & <Noticing Aldermen> to lodge Bonds, Noticing Assessor & Collector, & , to do the like, also High Constables, & Posting up Ordinances, & Resolutions.—
Colr. moved a Resoln. that this Council take it into Considn. whether this Council shall have pay for their Services, & if so, what Amount.—
Colr. Spoke,— spoke.— & Colr . spoke <all in support of the Motion>,— Colr. spoke, & wd. wish to have <a full Meeting, or> another Meeting, at least, before a Law wd. be passed,— he considers the People are Poor.—
spoke in Support,— Colr. likewise,— also, at Great length. & all in support of the Motion,— Resoln. <was adopted, that the City Col shall have pay for their Services.> not sustained as no Sum <was> specified
Colr.moved a Resoln., that the City Colrs. and Committees shall be paid the Sum of Two Dollars p Day each, for their Services as Colrs., <& Committees of this Col.,>— & spoke in support of it.
Colr. also spoke, in Support.—
also spoke, in Support.—
spoke to same effect.— as also so others of the Col., an amendmt was moved that it be made $1,00 which was lost by vote. & the Origl. Resoln. Carried— [p. 6]