Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
<10> Genl. J. Smith moved that the Inhabitants of this shall keep their Children at Home, except on lawful business, on Sundays, & from Skating on the Ice, & from marauding upon their Neighbours Property, & any Persons refusing to do the same, shall pay five Dollars Fine for every offence for the same & which Resoln. was carried Unanimously.
The Bill relative to Weights & Measures, was repassed, & two
Comes in here.
<11> The Committee on Improvements to whom was referred <the> Petn. for the opening of Wells St. from the , North, Reported, & Recommended sd. St. to be opened. which Report was Recd., & the Petn. Granted.—
<12> Upon Motion of Genl. it was Resolved that the City Collector, be Authorized to collect the City Tax.
<13> Resolved that so much of Warsaw St. as has been heretofore located, be removed farther Eastward, to Correspond with the City Survey.—
<14> The Select Committee to whom referred a Petn. for, & a agst., opening Kimball Street, Reported, & Recommended that so much of the Petn. be granted, as that Kimball St. be opened from Hibbards East Line, East to Barlow Street, which Report was recd., & adopted.—
<15> Resolved that it be the Rule of this Council to grant all Petitions from the Citizens of this , <for the opening of Streets,> at the expence of said Petrs., if there is no Remonstrance against the same by more than <an> equal <number of> Names.—
<16> Resolved that all the Laws & Ordinances passed by this City Council, up to this day inclusive, be published in pamphlet form, at the expence of the .
<17> Resolved that all Carrion be removed without the Bounds of this , <or buried 3 feet under the surface of the Ground,> by or at the expence of the Person or Persons owning the Animal when it Died, [p. 18]