Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Several of the City Council were Members of the Court Martial, which sat at same hour this Morng., therefore the meeting of Col. was deferred until after the adjournment of the Ct. Martial, which took place about half past three oClock P. M.— the names of the Council were then called, but a Quorum not being present, the meeting was adjourned until two oClock <P. M.> on Saturday next.
City Col. met pursuant to adjournment,— The presided,— meeting opened by Prayer,— Names of Council were called,— the proceedings of the last five Meetings were read & approved of.
<Order given.>
Resolved &c., that be paid seven Dollars out of the City Treasury, for his services while a City Councillor of this .
Resolved &c., that the be, & he hereby is required, to make a weekly report <for publication> to the Editor of some Newspaper published in this , of the number of interments, & the names & ages of the Persons Deceased, with the nature of the diseases of which they Died.
Resolved &c., that be, & he hereby is discharged, from the office of Chancellor of the University of the City of , he being unworthy to hold said office.
was duly elected Chancellor of the University of the City of , in the stead of discharged, and took the Oath of Office.