Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 1 Jan.–26 Nov. 1842; handwriting of ; forty-eight pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The following Resoln. was adopted by the City Col..—
Resolved by the City Council of the City of , that the Case of U. C. Nickerson Versus , is a malicious prosecution, & that said Nickerson be Taxed with the Costs of Suit.
passed Feby. 17th. 1842.)
A Bill was introduced for regulating Marriages. which was Read the first Time,— Rules dispensed with, & read 2nd. time, The Col. went into a Committee of the whole, and Colr. was called to, & took the Chair.
The spoke to considerable length upon the Subject.
The Vice Mayor, Genl. , Aldermen , , & , & Colrs. , <also spoke,> some of the Members spoke different times. The again spoke for some time, when the Council adjourned for One Hour, for Dinner.
Council came to Order agreeable to adjournment.
The resumed his place upon the Floor, & spoke at length, & produced, & read <what he wished to be inserted in> the Ordinance, in Order to filling it up, which upon Vote, was agreed to, & the <Question “shall this> Bill ordered to a third [illegible] be Read a third Time?” was put,
then spoke, giving his views in opposition to the Bill.
The again spoke in Reply. Genl. Spoke,
spoke in opposition to the Bill, as it stands.
The replied in explination,— <The Question Carried, and> the Bill was read the 3rd time—
Colr.resigned his Claim to pay as a City Colr up to this time, in favour of the Blind Inhabitants of the 4th. Ward of this , to be equally divided amongst them.— [p. 14]