Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The claim of for opening Streets, <by Survey,> was referred to the committee of claims.
A Bill was presented on behalf of the , for an Ord[inan]ce granting pay from the Corpn. for all interments in cases where he is unable to procure payt. otherwise, which was referred to the committee of Claims.
Resolved by the City Council of the City of , that the next general Election to <take place in this ,> be held in the office of Genl., in the fourth ward of this .
, , & , were duly elected by the City Council, Judges to act at the next general Election to be held in this , for the Election of Mayor, Aldermen, & Councillors for said .
<This should come in here> <X> The Committee to whom it was specially referred, to prepare a Law for the election of City Council in future, brought forward a Bill which received the usual readings, the rules being dispensed with, & after being discussed & amended, passed into an Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance regulating Municipal Elections in the City of ”.
The Committee who were selected to prepare a Bill for regulating the fees & compensation of the Municipal Court, & other persons, brought forward a Bill which received the usual readings, the rules being dispensed with, & after being discussed & amended, passed into an Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance regulating the Fees & compensation of the several officers & persons therein mentioned”. [p. 2]