Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The Claim of which was laid on the Table, was again taken up, & discussed, & allowed, as follows, to wit, for surveying back Street from Mulholland Street to Munson Street, $2,00.— for surveying Bluff St, from Mulholland St to Munson St, $2,00.— for surveying the St East of Warsaw St, from Parley St South to the City limits, $4,00.— for surveying the St running South from Parley St to Lumber St, between Chas Hubbard, Bently, & Taylor &c., $2,00. Amounting in all to $10,00.—
, & Colrs , & , resigned their claim to pay, as judges of the Election of City Council, held upon the 6th. feby inst..—
Resolved by the City Council &c, that the resolution passed on the 15th day of Jany. 1842, respecting the pay of City Council & Committees, is hereby repealed & abolished, so far as it respects remuneration of Committees.—
Adjourned until this day two weeks, (Saturday 25th inst,) at ten oclock A. M.—
Saturday february 25th. 1843, adjourned Meeting, ten oClock A. M
The City Council met,— meeting opened by prayer,— The Mayor presided names of the Council called.— minutes of two last meetings read & approved.
The Bond of the was approved, & the instructed to lodge it with the .
The ordinance in relation to interments was ordered to be further amended, by striking out the part thereof which granted pay for <keeping a record &> making a return of interments for publication