Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
It is hereby ordered &c, that Harris Street be opened, running on the north line of ’s land & land, running east though the widow Beatties farm, & from thence to the Prairie, at the expence of & others, Petitioners.
<Order given.>
The claim of , Supervisor, for $34,87½ being the balance due him by the to this date, was allowed, & hereby ordered to be paid to him, <and> It <is hereby> was Ordered &c, that the amount of money intended to be appropriated to payment of the balance purchase of the burying Ground, due as mentioned in the Resolution passed upon the 14th. January inst. <(& then supposed to be due to ,)> be paid to <said> , Supervisor, <as part of his <sd> claim,> the <said> balance <being $16,56¼, & that amt> having been paid retained by the Collector for the purpose of paying <over> the same, (prior to the passing of said resolution, & prior to the adoption of the Collectors Account upon the same day.) the <said> Collector having been ordered to pay said purchase money previous thereto.
<Order given.>
The claim of City Marshal, for services done for the , commencing May 14th. 1842, up to this date, was laid before the City Council, who referred it to the Committee on Claims, who reported, recommending that he be allowed fifty Dollars, & that the fifteen Dollars recd by him on account of said services, be deducted therefrom, & also that the fines against him, be remitted.— Which Report was <received and> adopted.—
The Committee of Claims to whom was referred the Claim of City Surveyor, presented their Report <which was accepted>, recommending that said account be allowed, which Report <claim> was discussed, & finally ordered to be laid upon the Table.
A motion was made upon the subject of delinquents upon road labour tax, which was discussed, & the following Resolution adopted. Resolved &c, that all delinquents up to this time, have privilege to work out their road labour tax, any [p. 4]