Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
<Order given, included with his pay as an Alderman.>
It was <is hereby> ordered by the City Council &c, that be & paid the sum of Three Dollars, for engraving a Seal for the Municipal Court, he having warranted that it would make a good impression, also that it would hold fast where it was Soldered.—
<Cert given.>
It is hereby ordered by the City Council &c, that be paid the sum of four dollars for a press <procured by him> for the use of the City Seal.
Resolved by the City Council <&c.> that Councillor who was appointed to sell the lots in the burying ground, be, & he hereby is instructed, to pay over the proceeds of sales made by him, to & others, the Committee upon the burying ground.—
Resolved by the City Council &c, that the surplus funds, if any, arising from the sale of lots in the <new> burying ground, after paying for fencing & improving the same, be applied towards fencing the old burying ground.
The committee of Claims to whom was referred a Bill respecting pay from the , for interments, in cases where the could not obtain his pay otherwise, were released from the duty of reporting upon that Bill, & obtained leave, & presented a Bill for an ordinance in relation to interments, which received the usual readings, (the rules being dispensed with,) & passed, entitled, “An Ordinance in relation to Interments.”
The Committee to whom it was referred to prepare a Code of Criminal laws, reported a Bill, or Code of Laws & Ordinances, which received the usual readings, (the rules being dispensed with,) & passed, entitled, “Laws and Ordinances of the City of Nauvoo”.