Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
you will see farther, the propriety of the position taken, by reference to the 6th. section of “An Act declaring what shall be evidence in certain cases” approved Jany. 11th. 1827.— See revised laws page 281— Sec 6.
The letter before mentd. is <to be> recorded at full length in the Record Book.—
A Committee of vigilance, composed of Colrs. & , & , were instructed to apply to the of this respecting the granting of Commissions to the Aldermen, with reference to the Letter above referred to.
A Petition was presented from & others relative to Swine, upon which a Bill was prepared & presented, which underwent the usual readings, the rules being dispensed with, & became an Ordinance, entitled “An Ordinance in relation to swine running at large”.
The Committee upon Municipal laws, declared their readiness to report upon business now before them, but in consequence of the Mayor having a desire to be present when they would report, & he being now absent, they did not present it.
<Cert. given Same date.>
, late a <Member of this> Councillorin this made application, & obtained liberty to shew Cause why his pay as a Member of this Council for the year 1842, should not be reduced, by a set off of fines, for the time he was absent, & the Cause shewn by him was allowed, & it is hereby ordered by the City Council &c., that be <& he is, [illegible] <hereby>> allowed the sum of $9,50, (in addition to the sum of $6,00 heretofore allowed him, & for which he recd an Order on the City Treasury, being the Amount deducted from his pay as a Member of the City Council <for fines,> for the year 1842.
<Cert given same date>
The Claim of was referred to a Committee, who reported, and, It is hereby Ordered by the City Council &c, that the Claim of for $8,00, for boarding & lodging several Prisoners & their keepers, up to this date, be, & the same is hereby allowed— [p. 15]