Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Names of members called, The Mayor directed the to bring & before the Council, and said told him last evening that had said that some of the police had told him that they had been sworn by the Mayor secretly to put <him> () out of the way,—, has had no private conversation with any of the Police but and that to have special care of his <personal> safety,— called on the policemen to say no if they had receved any <no> private oath from the Mayor & they all said no.
Coun said said that the policemen swore him <according to Masonic degredatin [degradation]> to keep the secret, that he was to be put out of the way in 3 months
Mayor wanted policemen to understand forever, that all he wanted was they should excuted the Law, & him his <orders> according to the Law,
Policemen called for the individual police
Mayor said he thought proper should come before the council and make his statement on oath,
<Mayor> If you saw see a man stealing and you have told him to stand 3 times, & warned him that he is a dead man if he does not stand, <& he runs> shoot of his leg— the objct of the police is to stop theeving,— but an enemy should not be harmed until he draws weapons upon you,
, came in and was sworn to tell the truth, touching the case before the Council, by < C. M. Court>
, oathbeforethe <said he had> been informed that one <some> of the policemen that <had had> another oath hadbeen adminted [administered] <beside the one administed publicly> that one there was a judas in the <Gen Smith> cabinet: one who stood next to him [p. 32]