Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
and he must be taken care of, and that he <must> not be allowed to go into the world, but must be taken care of <and not only> a doe head & judas, but a Brutus,— <that the idea had been advanced> that the scriptures support such a doctrine.—
. who is the person, <&> who told you
, I am under obligation not to tell,
— that is immaterial you are bound to disclose by your oath here.
— one oath is as good as another.
Mayor said he would protect him— he was bound to tell,—
said he would tell who told him <& he might tell the name of the police> Eli Norton told me,
the , <was> sent to bring Eli Norton.
Mayor said, <to the police> on conditions I have had no private conversation with any of you thatthey <you> will rise up & change the breech of the your guns upwords & all arose & changed the<ir> buttof their guns.
Counseller , consid[er]ed the things very alarming when he heard <it>, referred to & ’s doings in .— and stated what was said by the mayor on a former council.
Mayor said the reason why he made the remarks he did was on account of the reports brought from Jail By ,— that they wanted to get me <&c thus> to put down Mormonism— so that they might organize upon their old principles.— on the orthodox system, did not design to try me but hang me, that they had a man in our midst who would <fix me [illegible] out—> delivermeup if they could not get me without, and related his remarks at the previous council
Minutes of last council read,—
Eli Norton sworn to testify the truth the whole & nothing but the truth— by Counseller Clerk of Mayor Court.
all I know about a private oath is on intimation — said all that I have heard,— proba[b]ly referred to what has been stated, about a doe head &c, <By Mayor> Did he say he had administd a private oath?, <Norton> No! said not much about [p. 33]