Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
The Mayor offerd to build a jail if they would leave it to him, and he was authorized so to do
The Mayor referred to the Statutes.— and the criminel code of the .
moved & carri[e]d <unoninosly [unanimously]> that theoldcommitteeon the < be dropped on the committee on the> criminel code bedropped. & C. Substituted.—
The Mayor proposed as soon as opportunity presents we vote for our own Court house &c—.
Names of members called, Prayer by minutes of last council read and approved,
& 40 policemen— were sworn into office, to support the constitution of the & the State of and obey the ordinance of this and the Mayor according to the best of their ability,— by the <Counseller> Clerk of the Mayors Court.— Names <of police> called by
A. admonishd the police to do their duty. The Mayor spoke. said that it was expected that a part would be on duty while othesr rest,— that it might be expected that thieves had crept into the church, that it would be an abominable thing to set a theif to catch a thief, & would look upon men in their situati[o]n, guilty of a mean or cowardly act with the utmost concempt,— <to be> called High policeman, men have strange Ears, transformed,— altogether different from what they were, <we will> be forbearing, until we are compelled to strike, then do it decently and in good order, & break the yoke so that it cannot be mended, the mob mob has been so repulsed they stand in fear, [“]<Let us> <we will> be at peace with all men so long as they will let us alone” shall be the Motto of the C. of J. C. o Latter D. Saints from this time forth, in relation to , Let it them alone,— they stink in the nose of the Almighty, Let them alone.— has gone clear and that proves me clear of being accessory of shooting [p. 30]