Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
that our difficulties from the State of are hurled on us through the influ[en]ce of our neighbors around us.— the has boasted of being a law abiding man. it is our best policy to acquaint the by affidavits &c so that when the onset comes he will be obliged to send the Militia to our support. Let us keep cool, as a cucumber in a frosty morning, say nothing about . Soft words turn away wrath “in the heart of a fool,” therefore <we will> Poor pussey this generation. keep time,— have the ordinances in possession and study them, & ferret out all brothels and disorderly conduct, and if a transgressor resists cuff his ears,— if any one lifts a weapon presents a pistol &c take its his life if need<s> be, take care of to save your yourselves <own lives>, Let no horse be taken away,— or any thing stolen.— Let alone, stay at home, if any man attempts to bribe you tell me, Let us have a reformation, the spe[c]ulators are in this & wanting to sell revolving pistols, to us to fight the <and the ’ to fight us,>
I think my life more in danger from some little doe head of a fool in this <the> than from all the volobulory of enemies abroad, and <if> I can escape the <the hand of an as> assassin ofaBrutus I can live as<like> as <might> Caesar, <have lived if he had not been for <a> Brutus>— I have <have had> pretended friends who have betrayed me as I am informed. Then Blessed the police,— it may be said in time to come where is our <of> old policemen—. <if you magnify your office,> Let us have one of our policemen <if you will magnify you[r] office> shall be the blessing that shall be conferrd on you in time to come. if you wi
Counseller , spoke,— of the importance of the Police office,
The Mayor said that if any one offerd a bribe to a policemen the will pay that Policeman twice the amount offered for the information to be reported to the Mayor.
Petition of to have Licenc to retail Spirits read & ordered to be laid on the table.
Petition of & others— for openi[n]g a part of the street called Mulholland St— as far east as the corporations line [p. 31]