Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
A claim of was allowed, of three dollars, for services rendered to the , by <assisting the in> the making out of the Original List of City Lots & other Lands
. . . & , were elected <Members of the> City Council <pro tem,> for the City <of ,> by the City Council of said .
June 7th. 1843. The Mayor signed an Order upon the City Treasury in favour of City Recorder, for twenty three dollars and fifty Cents, being the balance due him for his Salary of one hundred dollars, as Recorder, for the year 1842, after deducting fifty dollars for which he received an Order upon the 12th. day of July 1842, & twenty six dollars & fifty cents by an order dated Jany. 14th. 1843, for the bals of Cash then remaining in the Treasury.
Saturday June 10th. 1843.— regular meeting, ten oClock A. M.
The City Council met, meeting opened by Prayer, names of Council were called, minutes of last meeting read & approved.
elected president, pro, tem.
The Counsellors elected on the 1st. instant, were arranged as follows, to act in the absence of those whose vacancies they fill. instead of , for , for , & for .
Three petitions were presented, & moved upon, for a repeal of the Hog law, & the motion was seconded by , for the purpose of having it discussed, & upon discussion, the Petition<s> was <were> rejected. [p. 18]