Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
passed, entitled “An Ordinance to establish a Ferry across the , at the City of .”
<Order issued same date.>
The Committee on claims reported favourable upon the claim of City Recorder. The report was rejected. The Items of the claim were read, & upon vote, whether the Report be adopted, the adoption thereof was rejected. It was then referred to a committee of the whole. It was then moved, seconded, & carried, that the Report <of the Committee of the whole> be received, as favourable, with the exception of the charge for Rent, fuel, & Candles. It was then moved that the report of the Committee of the whole be rejected, <but> after some discussion, & upon a proposition from the , that the Charge for Rent fuel & Candles, & a further deduction of ten dollars, be taken off his claim, the balance of his claim was allowed, Amounting to a sum of $147.40.—
Adjourned at Noon, for one hour.
A Bill for an Ordinance respecting mad Dogs & other Animals, was presented, recd the usual readings, was discussed, & the rules having been dispensed with, passed into an Ordinance, entitled as above.—
The Committee of vigilance presented a Letter prepared by them, to forward to the , respecting the commissioning of City officers, which was read, & approved of by the Council. Record Letter.
<order issued same date>
A Claim of & , of $9,75 for printing City Script, & for Newspapers &c. <furnished the , up to this date,>, was allowed by the City Council.
<Seperate Orders issued same date.—>
The following Sums were allowed, upon the Certificate of Captain of the City Watch, for services rendered as Watchmen, <& commencing Novr. 8th. 1842, up to feby. 23rd. 1843.>. to wit: 8 nights $12,00.— 8 nights $12,00.— 8 nights $12,00. & the sum of $6,50 is to be deducted from & s claims, (one half from each,) being for Lime bought by them, under sale by , at suit of the City of against , for that amt. of costs.