Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, November 1842–January 1844
Page 24
in this , also the idea of petitioning congress to receive us the <Nauvoo Legion City> under their protection, and <acknowledge the Legion as troops, and assist in fortifying <fortifications>, & other purposes and> a messenger be sent to congress for this purpose at the expence of the .— — & approved, also C. .—
Mess , & were appointed a committee to draft a memorial according to the Mayors suggestion as above.
Resolved that the citizens of this be called together. tomorrow morning to hear read the <extra> ordinance for the extra care of Joseph Smith & others, also that <the> Same be printed immediately
Adjourned till Monday <Tuesday> <morning next> at 10 A. M.
Names of members called, quorum present. Prayer by the mayor. Minutes of last council read and approved.
Resolutions passed by the inhabitants of the 3d ward regarding the protection of the Zitizens [citizens] of the & , read Also same of the 2d ward.——
. Spoke. replied
Petition of , in behalf of Temple committee praying exemption from taxation all property belonging to the , which was, and pe[ti]tion granted. & A. instructed to write an amendment to the ordinance.
spoke of on the petitions of the 2d & 3d wards. A. replied. spoke. The Mayor spoke
Petitionon <of> Assessors and Collectors for continuance of time in advertising lots for sale for taxes, read and <Petition> granted by Amendment to thatordinance for assessing and collecting taxes. <to amend an ordinance concerning the public revinue passed Nov 31. 1842,> read twice, & 3d time by its title and passed,—
An ordinance for selecting forty policemen & for other purposes. read. <rules dispensed with> & twice by its title & passed. [p. 24]