Nauvoo City Council, Rough Minute Book, 26 Nov. 1842–16 Jan. 1844; handwriting of and ; forty-six pages; Nauvoo, IL, Records, CHL. For more complete source information, see the source note for Nauvoo City Council Rough Minute Book, Feb.–Dec. 1841.
read from the Constitution.— & spoke suggesting the propri[e]ty, & referring the mem
was added to the committee on the Memorial.
Moved by , 2d and carried that be added to the committee, and the memorial referred back to the committee for revision. on motion of A. .
read from the constitution, the Mayor spoke that the had ceded to us the power which they possessed therefore we have a claim on congress. All that right ceded by Congress to the Legislature is now ceded to us.— and continued his speech at considerable length.
spoke by deny.— The mayor replied, at length — spoke. spoke, Spoke
AnOrdinanceregulatingMerchants & GrocersLicenses. wastwiceread.— spoke. by objection. replied. spoke. The mayor spoke.
Motion by , and carried that Charles Warner be removed from the office of <City> Auctioneer.
was duly elected City Auctioneer in place of Charles Warne removed
Resolved by the City Coun[c]il of the City of that the notify C. Warner that he is removed from office. & had leave of absent.
The ordinance Regulating Merchants and Grocers Licenses. amended read by its title & passed. Title approved,
Twenty five minutes past 2 adjourn for 1 hour
Twenty five minutes past 3 o clock council assembled <spe>according pursuant to adjournment, <names of members called,> Minutes of <last council read and approved.>
Notice of Charles Warners discontinuance of office was given to the .
— spoke of the measures of the .— that he had tried a pint cup by measuring it twice in a quart measure, and found it <Larger in proportion than the quart.>